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Factory Farming in the United States

Essay Instructions:

Your assignment should include the following:

A revision of your Week 3 Case Analysis Assignment. Your revision should represent a substantial edit of your work that fully incorporates feedback from your professor and goes well beyond correcting any grammatical or APA errors.

The strongest possible objection to your thesis. After the final paragraph of your Week 3 Case Analysis Assignment, start a new paragraph that introduces the strongest possible objection to your thesis. The considerations for this are detailed in Section 9.2 of With Good Reason: A Guide to Critical Thinking (Hardy, Foster, & Zúñiga y Postigo, 2015). Make sure to employ the appropriate language to introduce the objection, such as “some may object to my thesis as follows” or “according to [so and so] the thesis presented here fails to account for X” [whatever he or she finds problematic]. You can find other language to do this, of course, but the key point here is to make sure that you indicate that someone else is speaking when presenting this objection.

It is also important to remember that you do research to discover good objections and not merely objections that are weak and thus easily rebutted. Look for peer-reviewed journal articles in the Ashford University Library, full-text articles in Google Scholar, or articles in the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Present the opposing position fairly and in detail. This may take more than one paragraph.

A rebuttal. This is a refutation of the objection that you have just presented. Start this in a new paragraph following the objection paragraph(s). Once again, follow the indications of Section 9.2 of With Good Reason: A Guide to Critical Thinking (Hardy, Foster, & Zúñiga y Postigo, 2015). You may point out an error in the objection. Or you may show that, while it is an important objection, it does not apply squarely to your argument, or does not account for facts that make it irrelevant. Above all, make sure to maintain philosophical decorum in your rebuttal. Toward this end, you should apply the principles of charity and of accuracy, first introduced in the Week 1 course material. See “Confronting Disagreement” in Section 9.4 of With Good Reason: A Guide to Critical Thinking (Hardy, Foster, & Zúñiga y Postigo, 2015).

Closing remarks. End your argumentative essay with a paragraph of closing remarks. Provide some reflections of what you have attempted to achieve by means of your essay. You could, for example, explain how your essay sheds light on the broader controversy that it addresses. Or you could point out how your essay addresses a frequently ignored point or the unpopular side in the controversy. You could also reflect on the related matters in the broader controversy that would be useful to examine by others. Do not merely summarize what you have done in the body of your essay, and do not add new information here that would support or contradict your essay since the body of your essay should have addressed all the relevant points. See “Closing Your Essay” in Section 9.2 of With Good Reason: A Guide to Critical Thinking (Hardy, Foster, & Zúñiga y Postigo (2015).

Requirements for your Assignment:

Your assignment should be between 1500 to 1700 words in length, excluding the cover and references pages.

Your examination should be both thorough and succinct. This is a combination that demands time and thought, so give yourself sufficient time to draft and revise.

Your assignment should include citations, as well as a list of references. Both must be in APA form.

Your references should include at least four peer-reviewed articles in addition to those that you will be carrying over from our Week 3 Case Analysis Assignment. These references should be drawn from the Ashford University Library, Google Scholar, or the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.

Your assignment should be submitted no later than the end of Monday (midnight, U.S. Mountain time).

Carefully review the Grading Rubric (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Factory Farming
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Factory Farming
Factory farming has dominated the United States food production while employing cruel and abusive practices which strive to maximize profits in agribusiness at the expense of our communities, environment, animal welfare, and even our health. Factory farming comprises a significant number of animals raised in cruel and extreme confinement (Anomaly, 2015). This is way far from the idyllic, colorful, spacious pastures that are always shown on advertisings of milk, eggs, and meat products. All the animals put in factory farms are perceived as commodities which ought to be exploited to make profits. Usually, they are bred to grow unconventionally large and fast to maximize egg, meat and milk production for the food industry. Besides, these animals typically go through much pain since their bodies cannot manage this type of growth, which results in debilitating, deformities and painful conditions.
Factory farming inserts some incredible strain and stretches on the natural resources available for Americans. Besides, all the waste produced by rearing a large number of animals always pollutes the environment. Residents in rural areas are always complaining of illnesses, and at the same time, their property values are often taken low due to their proximity to the factory farms (Anomaly, 2015). To help counter the health problems which are presented by stressful, overcrowded, unsanitary living standards and stressful situations, antibiotics are consumed extensively, and this can cause drug-resistant bacteria, and in return, this imposes a risk to the people. This paper will focus on all the objections that have been made by people regarding factory farming, and it will later provide a concluding remark which will state whether it is advisable to have a factory farm.
Today’s factory farms have animals crammed into some windowless and filthy sheds. Besides, they are stuffed into metal crates, wire cages, and more torturous gadgets. Unfortunately, these animals do not get the opportunity to raise their families, build nests, root and play around soil or do the natural things done by animals (Anomaly, 2015). Most of them do not experience the warmth of the sun or breathe some fresh air until when they are put into trucks heading for slaughter. Factory family works hard to maximize their output while they minimize costs always at the expense of animals, the big corporations that oversee the operations of most factory farms have realized that they can make a kill by squeezing and putting animals into non-habitable spaces even though many animals usually die due to infection and diseases.
Few objections have been raised regarding factory farming, and they include:
1. Public Health
As earlier mentioned, many antibiotics are used in the fodder, and these risk the start of resistant strains of bacteria found in the farm (Dickinson, 2016). When human beings consume the meat coming from these animals, the information found in antibiotic resistance is usually passed on to the same bacteria found in the human body, and as a result, it also becomes resistant to the similar antibiotics which were used in the animal fodder (A. M, 2015). In return, this poses a challenge when doctors are treating the biological illness in human beings such as pneumonia.
2. ...
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