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Marketing Instructions For Individual Learning Plan

Essay Instructions:

Do Part 2 and 3. Total 3 pages.

Follow the directions attached.

This assignment is to write my vision and career plan for the future.

Sophomore year work. Please use correct grammar.

Part 2 Where are you headed?

Part 3 How will you get there?

I have written Part 1. Write the remaining two parts in combination with the first part

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Jingqi Zhang
Professor Barrio
Management & Organizational Concepts
Who am I?
My name is called Jingqi Zhang. My parents gave me this name is because “Jing” represents mirror in Chinese, and they want to let me know that what I really want to be when I grow up. Also, I’m a student who is a sophomore at Pace University and major in finance. An unforgettable experience for me is that I graduated from Fremont Christian School in San Francisco, and have encountered many difficulties and great experiences, which successfully shaped who I am today. One of the toughest decision was transferring from Chinese international school to American high school, and deciding to study abroad. It turned out to be my biggest challenges, but it also made me achieve a great number of goals that I have never thought I could be.
High School Story
Five years ago, when I was a junior high school student, one day I came home and my parents asked me do you want to study abroad. At that time, I was very excited because I could go to a curious new environment, and then I said yes without hesitation. A year later, I came to San Francisco as I expected, but I found it was not what I imagined. The unfamiliar environment and language made me feel so scared so that I did not want to get new friends. My mother often encouraged me to make new changes and attempts, but I didn't want to. It made me become an introvert gradually. On the other hand, the only subject I liked during that period was math, because it made me stop thinking about some unpleasant things. It could also be influenced by my family, because my grandpa, my father, and mother they all work in the bank, and they made me sensitive to numbers. Therefore, I begin to have a great interest in finance. When I graduated from high school, I came to Pace University and chose the major of finance. All in all, these experiences were make me become who I am now.
The favorite things in my life are I can go back to China and to see my parents during the vacation, also spend my time with them because I spend more than half of the year studying and living abroad. Therefore, I want to spend more time with my family. In addition, I am really happy to study and live in New York, because it is my favorite city. Moreover, my grandmother is one of the most important person in my life. She has been taking care of me since I was born, and also teaches me a lot about life and tells me how to communicate with others. I love her so much!
Strengths and Weaknesses
My greatest strength is that I'm person who is a well-organized individual. I tend to write what I have to do down on paper and prioritize what is more important to least important. In doing this, it helps me organize and accomplish my work and meet deadlines that are important.
On the other hand, one of weaknesses for me is that I’ve always been a procrastinator. I used to think it wasn’t such a bad habit because I was only creating stress for myself, but several years ago, I was on a group project where I could see how my putting things off to the last minute created stress for everyone else. It was a wake-up call. I started creating daily schedules that hold me accountable to my team, and I broke the habit. It was hard at first, but in the end, it was a real breakthrough in my mindset.
Something that I value the most would be my family. Family means a lot for me because no matter what happens, my family would always be there for me. Life would be really different if I didn’t have the family that I have now. In my family, I am taught that no matter what difficulties I have to face, my family would always be there and support me. They taught me many things about life that I would take with me for the rest of my life. No matter how many good friends you have, they will never be there for you forever, but family will always be there for you.
Where am I Headed?
As already indicated, I am majoring in Finance, and this is mainly because I like math. My infatuation or passion in mathematics is greatly influenced by my family, and thus I always see myself doing something that is related to mathematics.
I always see myself working with governments and big companies and thus my inclination towards investment banking. As an investment banker, I will achieve my dream ...
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