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Entrepreneur Interview. Business & Marketing Essay

Essay Instructions:

The best way to find information about what it is like to be an entrepreneur and why some businesses are successful is through gathering primary data, through interviewing actual entrepreneurs. The goal of this assignment is to interview at least three (3) self-employed people.

Address the following in your paper:

· What makes them a good entrepreneur?

· Why did they choose to be an entrepreneur?

· What were their first steps? 

· If they had it to do over, what would they do differently?

· What part does creativity play in their business?

· What are their tangible and intangible rewards?

· What makes their business different than their competitors? 

· How did they use social media?

· Did they write a Business Plan? Do they wish they had? If they did, did they revise it periodically?

· Are net profits what they expected? Would they do it again?

· Why is their business successful?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Entrepreneur Interview
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Entrepreneur Interview
Entrepreneur 1
The name of the entrepreneur is Raymond Lei. He is passionate about business and studied business as his major at UC Berkeley. He started his business ooShirts.com when he was 16 years of age. He says he saw an opportunity and strived to pursue it. At the moment he is 19 years, and his company has increased and he is content and impressed by the growth and the entire process (Writer's In Charge, 2018). What makes him a good entrepreneur is his ability to initiate change. Since he was in high school, he wouldn’t join the existing organisations rather; he would create his own. He likes operating in an open setting where one can fully exploit their potential.
The reason he decided to venture into business is that, during his high school days, he used to order shirts for his school’s club. However, all the companies would charge them exorbitantly, and this compelled him to conduct and research, and that is when he concluded that the existing companies were ineffective. At this point, he was not rich in knowledge on how to run a business, and he opted to start by selling shirts to his school directly, and he grew the business from there.
The apparel industry is very competitive, and as a result, he employed some creativity into his business such as developing a website which is slowly garnering popularity. The revenues gathered in the last month were $60000, and this is a milestone for him. He did not have a business plan initially, and if there were something he would do differently, it would be to create more time into the business. He has not received any awards at the moment
Entrepreneur 2
Gemma Clarke is the Chief Marketer at Tangle Teezer was absorbed in Small Business Charter Management Board in 2013. She executed a critical role in offering a business perspective to the Board with the objective of helping business to grow by recognising the work done by business schools in providing support to the local business. She has worked in corporate beauty until she was 26 years and then her most favourite shampoo brand was banned from the market (Small Business Charter, 2018). She was upset that she resolved to create her brand.
Her vital elements in starting her business were contacts, knowledge, and experience. She terms these three as priceless. She had a vast underdoing and knowledge of the industry, and this helped her to know her stuff well. Her greatest reward...
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