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Ethics and Stakeholder Management

Essay Instructions:

Four-page maximum, double-spaced, readable

font, real-life disguised as necessary, business

ethics case drawn from personal experience,

including your analysis, interpretation, and

suggested resolution based on course

materials and your accumulated wisdom; possible

class discussion; indicate on front page of case

whether you are willing to have your case discussed in

class, assuming you are NOT identified as the author.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Ethics and Stakeholder Management
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Ethics and Stakeholder Management
Personal Case
I got my first job as a customer care consultant in a local company a few years ago. Every Monday of the week, my immediate supervisor gave me a list that had more than three hundred phone numbers for me to call and convince the clients to pay their subscriptions for cable television or subscribe to a better package that offered more stations at a slightly higher price. During my first few months, I was determined to achieve my targets, and luckily, I did. Since the job was based on commission, I was able to hit my targets and even double the number of subscribers. My closest friend Jacob was the first to judge my success from my constant change of clothes and my ability to afford to buy both of us drinks every weekend. He seemed interested to join the company and make money like I did and so I recommended him to my boss. Immediately after Jacob was invited to join the team. In the beginning, we were both doing exceptionally well since both of us managed to exceed our boss’s expectations. One afternoon, I decided to pass by Jacobs’s desk and signaled him that it was already lunchtime since as usual; we always went out for lunch together. On this particular day, I found Jacob on the phone chatting with whom I suspected was a client. However, his tone was rather low and judging by his movements; it seemed clear to me that he was flirting. At first, it did not bother me since I thought it would only happen only that one time. However, Jacob did not stop this behavior until eventually, I decided to confront him, and he told me that some of the clients are nice women who enjoy having a casual conversation with him occasionally. He further stated that some of the women even offered to take him out on a date.
The reason why this issue was most disturbing to me was that Jacob was misusing the company’s resources and not feeling guilty about it. Although it might seem best to report him, I could not walk to my boss and tell him that my best friend was wrongfully using the credit offered to him by the company because that could get him fired. Besides, Jacob knew that I was the only one who knew about his conversations. Aside from that, it could be possible that flirting was Jacob’s way of convincing his clients to subscribe or even pay for the previous subscriptions, and if that were the case, then it would be beneficial for the organization. I know that the best thing to do was to tell my boss, but I decided to have a serious conversation with my friend and try to convince him to stop flirting with the clients. Although it was not against the company’s policies, it still felt wrong.
I felt responsible for the entire situation mainly because I brought Jacob into the group. This meant that Jacob’s misbehavior could be tra...
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