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Understand Digital Business: IPTV or VoD Nettv Plus-EON

Essay Instructions:

1. An understanding of the key decisions that digital managers and entrepreneurs need to make in order to create sustainable business models.

2. Ability to discuss and assess the main legal and ethical

issues raised by digital business practices

An Individual Written Report examining an existing digital business of my choice and the factors impacting on its business growth. (2,500 words. Excluding graphs, tables, appendices and references).

• Understanding of digital business

• The distinction between digital business and the traditional business (i.e. the face-to-face business transaction)

• Factors that led to a greater push for digital business in general

• Describe the growth of the case study over a period of time

• Identify external factors that may impact on the business operation of your selected digital business (i.e. political, economic, legal, ethical etc.).

• Point out important factors that I consider essential for a sustainable business

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Understand Digital Business: IPTV or VOD NetTV Plus-EON Digital Platform
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Understand Digital Business: IPTV or VOD NETTV Plus-EON Digital Platform
Despite the ubiquity of digital technologies, firms have to adapt and assimilate them into their operations. It is a process that offers some level of certainty to the firm as it helps in gaining and sustaining their competitive advantage and more importantly, fostering new growth possibilities. The business environment has witnessed major changes from integrating digital technologies and this is apparent in the increasing interconnectedness among various facets including firms, services, products, processes as well as entire industries. The ensuing dynamism has blurred conventional business structures. A digital business is one that develops the organization’s competitiveness through the utilization of innovative digital technologies while a traditional business is highly dependent upon the brick-and-mortar (physical) stores to advance their products (goods and services) to customers. Digital technologies highlight the combination of connectivity technologies, communication, computing, and information technologies that harmoniously, have transformed entire businesses and has helped NetTV Plus to establish a solid market across Europe and the world.
Digital transformation has become an indomitable force in many sectors including the entertainment industry. The most evident case to this predisposition is the emergence of Internet Protocol Television (IPTV), which uses the Internet as the sole medium of transmitting relevant information to the masses. The massive progress in human civilization and more so, the exponential rise in the adoption of the internet across the globe has ensured that this medium is well suited for the distribution of multimedia content. The use of the internet presented itself when the primary stakeholders were faced with problems of client diversity, network heterogeneity, and scalability. Retrospectively, the internet solved all of these predicaments. IPTV is a distinct and unique path that became popular in the late 20th Century when ABC did broadcast their news across the Internet. Today, it has grown its popularity because of the convenience it gives its customers albeit its underlying challenges. A real-life case example is NetTV Plus, which has its headquarters in Serbia, Zachodniopomorskie in the eastern country of Europe. The platform was founded in 2008 with its primary focus being the ex-YU region and gradually, it has outgrown the geographic and steadily, developing a major reputation across the globe. This firm serves as the case study in which the discussion on digital business will be centered.
`On the other hand, people gain fascination over what facilitates the adoption of a digital business model. Commitment from the top management is one of the most fundamental factors taking into account their level of information technology (IT) knowledge and more importantly, a great interest and attitude towards innovation. Management aiming to attain efficiency will perceive this as the most appropriate route, which is ultimately the thing with e-commerce. On the other hand, the firm’s size coupled with its immense resources offers them an edge that small-scale enterprises (SMEs) lack (Al-Qirim 2008). On the other hand, SMEs have an advantage once they adopt digital technologies because they are in a better position when it comes to being flexible to changes (Molla, Heeks, and Balcells 2006). In this case, it can implement Lewin’s model of freeze, change, and unfreeze with minimal effort (Banham and Wiesner 2006). Another factor that cannot be disregarded is customer pressures. This aspect comes in different dimensions with some seeking electronic transactions while others demanding to process their orders through the internet because of the convenience these procedures provide to them. The e-commerce case is a prominent one taking into account supplier pressure and competition from rivals.
NetTV Plus
NetTV Plus is a product or rather a platform from the United Group. In the quest to ascertain the role of the internet in the modern age, it is important to recognize the roots of this company. In early 2000, the group was founded as a small cable company. Its consequent years of expansion have primarily been through acquisitions and accumulation of assets over Slovenia, Montenegro and Bosnia, and Herzegovina, and a couple of other countries. The company complemented these efforts by introducing its innovative products into the market including the most popular of them all, NetTV Plus, and providing advertising services. By 2018, the company was valued at 2.6 euros as the British firm, BC Partners, finalized on acquiring it (BC Partners, 2019). The meteoric rise syncs with Richard Heaslip’s upsurge of the digital business in the 21st Century.
In the TED Talk, Heaslip (2015) states that it is not only people that are getting digitally mature at a younger but also are companies. In 1957, the average age for a company in the Standard and Poor’s 500 (S&P 500) was approximately 75 years. In 2003 that decreased to 25 years and in 2013 the number was at a meager 10 years. The deduction is a concern for almost all firms because it is either the firm disrupts or is disrupted. Nevertheless, the most primal element in this change is the integration of technology. It happens that digital companies are producing greater revenues, profitability, and market valuation thereby becoming attractive options even for the investor. Digitally mature companies outperform their rivals. Therefore, a company’s digitalization process cannot be disregarded. Back to the initial discussion about NetTV Plus.
The most straightforward manner of defining NetTV Plus is that it is a digital television that utilizes the availability of the internet to provide the masses with related content. Its parent company defines it as “the largest IPRV provider of ex-YU channels in SD and HD” (Global NetTv 2019). SD and HD are abbreviations for standard deviation otherwise known as “DVD quality” and high definition. The former is an upgrade of the latter with SD videos having a 480p resolution and HD videos possessing a 1080p resolution. The higher the resolution, the better the quality of the videos concerning details. To this end, all that a subscriber needs is an internet connection regardless of whether their device is a smartphone, Smart TV, PC, or NetTV Box. Currently, the firm offers over 200 channels from the ex-YU region in the pursuit of enabling them to gain satisfaction and connection to their homeland. Ex-YU is a term that attenuates to former Yugoslavia also referred to as The Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (SFRY) before it was split into republics. The nations that constitute ex-Yu include Slovenia, Serbia (including Vojvodina and Kosovo), Montenegro, Macedonia, Croatia, and Bosnia and Herzegovina (International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) 2019). Besides the 200 channels, NetTV Plus has a commendable list of the most popular radio stations from the same demographic in its portfolio. In this case, the client is never short of options.
In essence, the platform has used the split of the region as the primary selling point, but then their approach to it makes feel a sense of belonging. It is this proprietary idea that people bank on as they are keen to preserve their history regardless of how oblique they felt; they appreciate it. Further, other services accompany the major ones. Subscribers have the choice to either watch the content live or else they can opt for the catch-up TV (CUTV) service. The latter option enables them to rewind any content from any of the channels that they could have missed. The CUTV service equates to a grace period of 7 days back. This position implies that one can watch what they want at the time of their convenience. Customers who are uncertain of using this platform as their primary source of these services can check whether it meets their expectations through the free trial. The free trial allo...
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