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Business & Marketing
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Monetization Business & Marketing Essay Research Paper

Essay Instructions:

Digital platforms have become one of the most important business models of the 21st century.

The assigned book will introduce how digital platforms have transformed business environments

and how we should prepare for the problems of the new business environments.

Your essay will (1: Summary) briefly summarize the assigned chapter, for about half page,

(2: Business Problem) discuss a related business problem to solve with relevant evidence,

and (3: Research Question) describe what to examine to resolve the business problem you defined.

The assigned chapter is Chapter 6 Monetization.

Final Report Title

1. The Chapter 00: Title of the Chapter

Summarize the chapter focusing on the main idea which is connected to your business problem. The summary shouldn’t be longer than a half page. Use an 1 inch margin, double-spaced paragraph, 12-size font.

2. Related Business Problem: Write a phrase or one sentence (e.g., Conflicts between Ride-Hailing Companies and Drivers)

Choose one specific business problem. One business problem is not a question but has to describe a specific current issue. Address what kind of risks the business problem entails.  

3. Research Question: Write a question related to a solution to the business problem (e.g., Can granting a right to choose benefit plans to drivers mitigate the conflict between drivers and the companies? How can the ride-hailing companies increase drivers’ job satisfaction? What are the most important work conditions to drivers? etc.)

Choose one research question and design your research to answer the research question as much as you can. For example, you may provide information regarding what kind of data (variables) you would collect; how you would collect the data (using secondary data, experiment, survey, interview); if you would use secondary data, where you would collect the data; what kind of method you would use; etc.






Appendix 1: References

APA format

Appendix 2: Tables (Optional)

Table 1 Table 1 Title 


Appendix 3: Figures (Optional)

Figure 1 Figure 1 Title 

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Institutional Affiliation
Human civilization continues to advance at an exponential rate with technology being at the forefront of these developments. The sharing economy has facilitated the creation of platform businesses. Although these enterprises have experienced a significant number of users, its pioneers are facing the challenge of monetization, which ensures they reap financial benefits from it. In this case, they face a dilemma because if they begin charging clients for the use of services that were free initially, they will flee the platform (negative network effects). On the other hand, failing to harness revenues from the platform implies that they are in danger of exiting the market entirely. However, there are strategical methods of monetization that can be implement without experiencing negative network effects or diminishing value offered. One way of doing this charging a transaction fee on the excess value, for access, for enhanced access, and for enhanced curation.
Business Problem
Related Business Problem: Inability to monetize a financial and scientific data platform.
Andrew (fictitious name) and his close-knit group of classmates who are software developers realized that most entrepreneurs and the public, in general, lacked concrete scientific and economic data related to various market dynamics. They resolved to fill this market gap. Also, they were conscious that their efforts had to be scalable if they were to make the most returns from the venture. Consequently, they created a website where they would share this information. They coupled these efforts with creating social media accounts to enhance their popul...
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