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Business & Marketing
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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The Impact of Covid-19 on the Environment Business & Marketing Essay

Essay Instructions:

Complete in-class exercise by writing a few paragraphs about the impact of COVID - 19 on the environment (long-term and short-term perspective).

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The Impact of Covid-19 on the Environment
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The Impact of Covid-19 on the Environment
Since the emergence of the novel Coronavirus early this year, environmentalists have been observing and projecting several short term and long term impacts that shall come along with it. There has been a sharp decrease in air pollution in many parts of the world due to lockdowns, travel restrictions, and reduced industrial activity. Reduced pollution can have a short term effect on weather changes and the risks associated with the pandemic. Studies by the Centre for Research on Energy And Clean Air (CREA) have proven that there has been a 25% reduction of Carbon (II) Oxide since the travel ban was imposed in some countries like China. Most of the world's major cities’ air quality has improved drastically due to less automobile and factory carbon emissions.
There has been a rise of non-recyclable waste such as face masks and reduced agricultural products exports, contributing to the high pile-up of organic matter in many countries. Most of the local municipalities have halted the waste management programs due to fears of propagating the virus. Long-term non-recycled waste leads to increased greenhouse effects and high methane (CH4) levels in the environment. It may also end up in the oceans, thus endangering marine life. Improper disposal of face masks and used personal protection equipments (PPEs) has been identif...
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