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International Marketing Business & Marketing Essay

Essay Instructions:

I will attach the article to be read on a pdf file and here is the dropmefile link to the book where you need to get the concepts from: https://dropmefiles(dot)com/k5xuw. It is extremely important to follow the instructions and underline the concepts and label each question.


1-inch margins, single-spaced 10- or 11-point Arial font.

Label each section of your paper using the question numbers (1, 2, 3, etc).

Proofread. Each and every spelling error, grammar error, and/or incorrect term usage after the fifth (5th) occurrence will incur a 1 point deduction from the total assignment score.

*Feedback and grades will be posted within 1-2 weeks of your submission.


Use clear, concise sentences in your postings. Think through your ideas. Check grammar and spelling.

Question 1: Why is the Indian market considered such an important market for IKEA? (Response length: 1-2 paragraphs)

Instructions: Identify, define, apply, and underline three (3) relevant concepts from chapters 1, 3, 4, 8, 11 and/or 13 in your response to question 1.

Avoid vague generalizations. Be specific and stick to what the question is asking. Avoid irrelevant arguments.

Be sure to analyze this issue from the viewpoint of international marketing strategy (segmentation, target market, product development, marketing research, etc.) and the marketing environment, not from the viewpoint of other business functions such as HR, finance/accounting, operations, etc.

Question 2: Describe at least two of the differences in the India market for IKEA compared to other markets in which it currently operates? (Response length: 1-2 paragraphs)

Instructions: This question requires you to research the other markets in which IKEA operates to compare them to India.

Identify, define, apply, and underline two (2) relevant concepts from chapters 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, and/or 18 in your response to question 2.

Avoid vague generalizations. Be specific and stick to what the question is asking. Avoid irrelevant arguments.

Be sure to analyze this issue from the viewpoint of international marketing strategy (segmentation, target market, product development, marketing research, etc.) and the marketing environment, not from the viewpoint of other business functions such as HR, finance/accounting, operations, etc.

Question 3: The article states that “Online furniture company Urban Ladder, a big local competitor, said IKEA's cookie-cutter furnishings won't work with most Indian consumers or conditions.” State whether you agree of disagree with Urban Ladder’s statement. Provide the rationale for your agreement/disagreement. (Response length: 1-2 paragraphs)

Instructions: Identify, define, apply, and underline three (3) relevant concepts from chapters 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, and/or 18 in your response to question 3.

Avoid vague generalizations. Be specific and stick to what the question is asking. Avoid irrelevant arguments.

Be sure to analyze this issue from the viewpoint of international marketing strategy (segmentation, target market, product development, marketing research, etc.).

Be specific and use accurate terminology to describe your strategic recommendation. For example, if you recommend a product formulation change, then you should use product strategy-related terminology


1-inch margins, single-spaced 10- or 11-point Arial font.

Label each section of your paper using the question numbers (1, 2, 3, etc).

Proofread. Each and every spelling error, grammar error, and/or incorrect term usage after the fifth (5th) occurrence will incur a 1 point deduction from the total assignment score.

*Feedback and grades will be posted within 1-2 weeks of your submission.


Use clear, concise sentences in your postings. Think through your ideas. Check grammar and spelling.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Student’s Name
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Question 1
Indian market is considered critical for IKEA Company. There are various concepts behind it one is it is assumed to one of the fastest-growing economies globally. Fast-growing implies that the country is experiencing a rapid growth (Cateora, Meyer, Gilly, & Graham, 2020). The country is experiencing growth at an annual rate of 7.2 percent. Its population is also experiencing growth at a rapid rate, and it is estimated that its population will surpass that of China by 2022. This implies that the country will be among the largest nations in the world. Since there is a high population growth rate, the company products will have a massive customer base. This assists in revenue growth and market expansion. The income levels within the country is also increasing based on a report published in 2016. Between 2004 and 2012, the middle-class population had doubled to 600 million individuals. Another thing that makes the India ideal for IKEA is because of the political stability concept. This implies that IKEA will be entering in country where they will not be worried on possibilities of war erupting which might lead to lose of assets.
Question 2
In order for to have a smooth entry and be accepted by the Indian community, IKEA undertook preliminary market research. Market research is to search for general information about a market area or nation. The aim was to establish what was needed in the market, and the products that could not sale. There are many differences when we compare the Indian markets with others where the firm has an established customer base. The company spent about three years doing extensive research about the market in order to find a strategy for localization of the products. Localization assists the company to have a smooth entry. Moreover, it also assists in maximizing sales. The natives will feel the goods are customized to suit their lifestyle needs and preference.
All over the world, IKEA business model has been one that allows customers to assemble their own product, which is a means to save costs. However, the available cheap labor in the nation implies that Indians depend on carpenters and workmen to assemble the products. In this regard, IKEA has created partnerships with other firms that give consumers assembling service choice. Partnership is joining forces with other companies to help in delivering of services (Cateora, Meyer, Gilly, & Graham, 2020). IKEA teaming up with local companies will help in offering certain services such as ass...
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