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Business & Marketing
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Ethical companies Business & Marketing Essay Paper

Essay Instructions:

Google : "the most ethical companies in the US" or similar terms to find an ethical business;

Tell me what company you selected.

Research information on the company you selected

What do they do to show they are an ethical company?

Be specific.

Would you enjoy working for this company and why?

Your paper should be a minimum of two pages


Double-space your written assignment.

Use a common 12-point font

Include your name, the course number and the date in the upper left-hand corner of your first page .

Give your paper a meaningful and suggestive title (No Title Page)

Number your pages

Proof read your paper

Use your own words and do not plagiarize. If you use a source do cite it. Papers are checked through Turn It In

Essay Sample Content Preview:
CBRE as One of the World's Most Ethical Companies in the US  Students' Name:
Course Number:
Ethical Organizations
CBRE was recognized among weorld's most ethical companies for the 7th year. The company has gained recognition globally by Ethisphere. It is headquartered in Los Angeles and works as a real estate company with a fortune of 500. According to the 2018 revenue report, and Businesswire (2020), CBRE was the largest commercial real estate with excellent services globally. The company has managed to recruit over 90,000 workers minus the affiliates and serves its clients in more than 480 offices. It also offers a wide range of integrated services such as facilities, project management, and transactions. Examples of project management services offered include property and investment management, valuation and appraisal, strategic consultation, property sales, mortgage and development services, and property leasing.
According to greatplace.com, 83% of the CRBE employees rate that the company is a great place to work than about 60% of employees from typical United States-based companies. Also, 90% of clients who obtained their services rated them as 'excellent.' The employees are typically proud to mention that they work at CBRE (Businesswire, 2020). The company's environmental factors allow for expansion as the company is more technologically oriented, especially amidst the strike of covid-19, where employees are working from home. The company has gained the Worlds' most ethical company for the 7th year, and given a chance; I would not hesitate to join the team behind the success. It has also been recognized for its efforts in environmental concerns.
The company offers the best real estate and consultancy services to its clients and provides an excellent working environment for its employees. It has an excellently-designed professional website where clients can obtain timely customer care ...
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