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Designing a Training Program: Cleaning Services

Essay Instructions:

· Designing a Training Program

Designing a Training Program


Create a written proposal in which you detail the complete design of an employee training program.


Write a 6–8 page paper in which you:

1. Design a two-day training program for a group of 20 employees.

2. Identify 2–3 training needs through a training needs analysis (TNA) and justify an approach for this training.

3. Develop the training objective for this program based on an analysis of the business.

4. Determine the training cost for the training program you are proposing. Include a detailed breakdown of time allotted for each piece, the subsequent cost analysis, and the total cost for the project as a whole.

5. Select key training methods to deliver the program to employees, such as an e-learning module or a one-day face-to-face training program.

6. Create an agenda of activities for the training program.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Proposal for Designing a Training Program
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Dr. Marilyn Carroll
BUS 407- Training and Development
Proposal for Designing a Training Program
Sparkling Clean is a small business that offers cleaning services for both homes and corporates. Using various machines and products, Sparkling Clean’s mission is to provide its customers with the best services. The company uses organic cleaning products and assists its customers in organizing their premises and moving their stuff to various locations. The company's other special services include carpet washing, floor polishing, wall painting, and vacuuming, all at affordable prices. Sparkling Clean guarantees its customer's items' safety besides discounts and free estimates for particular services. Should the client feel unsatisfied, the company returns free of charge.
The training of the cleaning staff is essential in getting the work done safely and efficiently. The training would also help the company identify new opportunities for its employees. According to Naji (2020), employee retention would also be made possible, leading to quality cleaned homes and corporates, referrals, and, eventually, monetary benefits for the company. The training will provide the staff with knowledge of the potential hazards for their safety. Employees also need to learn how to protect themselves from contracting diseases, especially when working in chemicals. Employees also need to acquaint themselves with up-to-date cleaning methods and techniques. Notably, the staff will gain knowledge on how to interact with customers more professionally. The training focused on the employee's experience and needs will help them fulfill their duties as per the job description (Naji, 2020). Following the ongoing competition from other companies offering the same services, Sparkling Clean Company needs well-trained personnel to meet the market trends. This paper discusses the training needs for the 20 employees at Sparkling Clean Company, develops a training objective, and determines the training costs and methods to deliver this program to employees.
Two Day Training Program
As per the staff's performance analysis at Sparkling Clean, employees' essential training need includes consistency and attentiveness, problem-solving and sound organizational ability, and punctuality. Employees will gain time-management skills by learning how to work within a stipulated time frame while delivering quality work. The way a cleaning industry manages time depicts whether the company will succeed or fail. This program will help the employees learn how to complete tasks within the required deadlines. Proper time management should equate to high-quality services. Staff should learn not to rush when the time has run out as this means that they might miss completing their tasks as required. Poorly done work might cause huge company losses, including loss of clients.
Through this two-day course, the employees prioritize vital activities and complete the small details efficiently and correctly. They would also get to perfect their decision-making ability by determining the tasks that require much attention and what needs to be done last. They would, therefore, make well-calculated decisions to avoid making clumsiness while working. The program will teach the employees how to create weekly and monthly schedules to ease their work and avoid time wastage. The training will include detailed worklists with the location and the service required at a given place. On the second day, the employees will be taught how to leverage technology to ensure a satisfactory inspection of their progress. Technology would help them work efficiently and in a limited time. During the training, the employees will learn the importance of high-quality cleaning consistency for the sake of satisfying their customers. For instance, maintaining the standard for the next half a year would give the company a good reputation and sell its brand. Attention to detail would enable Sparkling Clean to save the costs of extra charges and work more promptly, attracting more customers. It is also a reflection of the company's leadership and standards.
Ouddane and Tidjani (2017) posit that having organizational ability would help the company attain greater rewards both in productivity and customer satisfaction. The training would enable the staff to work well within the given time and limit any mistakes. The two-day program will illustrate how to schedule their work and their team members and coordinate their work without conflicts. They will learn to become more responsible by always assembling their cleaning equipment, loading them into the car, and picking up their colleagues from their various locations before heading to the customer's location. Since this job entails talking to customers and learning their special requests, they will learn the proper communication channels and skills.
A problem-solving attitude from the training would help the Sparkling Clean staff face a wide range of challenges that they encounter daily (Ouddane & Tidjani, 2017). The employee needs to know what machine goes well with a given type of floor. The employee must learn to work without any supervision and discern what solution is relevant for a given situation. While at it, they need to ensure they handle sensitive information from their client's personal spaces. Being left alone inside the customer's house means that the employee has to vow to not tamper with anything from that space. Importantly, emphasis on endurance despite this work's challenges is vital for the employees and the company's good.
Training Needs Analysis
Despite hiring competent employees, employee performance and productivity would be limited by the shifts in the customer's expectations brought by the growing market trends. Improving efficiency using effective cleaning equipment would make it easier for Sparkling Clean Company to realize quality. Employees have somewhat been hesitant to do their respective duties because they lack the skills to manage the new advanced machines brought in to replace the old ones. Due to the competition from the big cleaning organizations, Sparkling Clean brought in modern appliances and cleaning products. However, not everyone in the company is conversant with how to use them, leading to decreased employee performance.
Another issue is that there have been disputes among employees as everyone is trying to find favor with its management. Those who are good with using the machines brought in recently want to take dominance in operating them. The rest of the team find this quite unfair as they would also wish to use the advanced equipment to make their work easier. This training is, therefore, for those who have limited knowledge of how to operate the equipment. Experts with proficiency in using them would take the employees through the right steps of using these machines. The training urges team members to work together on the necessary measures to ensure a better outcome.
The employee's performance did also depreciate following the various safety issues at work. They would complain of slip and fall accidents due to a lack of knowledge on how to walk in the company's boots. Others feared contracting diseases and would disagree to be posted in certain areas that they believed were less hygienic. This training program would emphasize the safety measures that would limit the accidents and spread of diseases hence prevent these fall accidents and illnesses. Employees will be taught how to use the right safety gear and operate the equipment properly for efficiency purposes. The training should show the employees how to ensure a healthier environment either at home or in companies. The training program will ensure that the staff learns how to identify the right equipment for a given service without necessarily waiting to be supervised. Staff will learn how to use new commercial cleaning technologies to improve the quality of their services.
If the employees are not performing up to the standard required at Sparkling Clean, there is indeed a need for training to ensure everyone is on the same level. This training program will help these...
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