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Business & Marketing
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Investment Proposal Business & Marketing Essay

Essay Instructions:

You are a financial analyst who is scouting investment opportunities in your assigned country (Japan, Bangladesh, etc.). You are producing an investment report or proposal for potential business partners or clients.

Be sure to do ALL of the following:

Use first-person narrative (i.e. I, we).

Identify investment opportunities in one or more of the following sectors: industry, energy, tourism, technology, health, education. Explain how the investments will benefit certain groups of people. For example, mosquito nets and water filters can prevent disease.

Identify obstacles to success. Explain how they will be overcome so that your ideas can realistically be implemented.

Explain how you will produce a profit in a competitive business environment. Compare the relevant sectors (industry, energy, etc.) of your assigned country with China's.

Make connections with China by drawing from the textbook or online sources.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Investment Proposal
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Investment Proposal
In the current era of globalization, international investment and international trade have expanded at exponential rates. Japan is one of the global economic giants that has numerous business opportunities for investors since it ranks only behind China and Japan. Japan is one of the immensely powerful forces in world trade and Australia’s key business partner. Currently, the country is one of the second-largest export markets and a source of foreign investment. The opportunities for conducting business in Japan extend beyond its national boundaries since most businesses in the country have a significant presence in third markets (Norbury, 2019). Notably, Japan has an outstanding reputation for attracting holiday-seekers while business travellers discover ample opportunities for incentive trips, meetings, and events. Investors have an opportunity of exploiting tourism and travel industry through a bar and restaurant business since related companies are in a position of unprecedented growth and expansion.
Japan is in a pivotal position of success in the tourism industry based on the numerous international events, friendly economic factors, and local fiscal policies that would influence companies to exploit opportunities in the industry. In my opinion, I believe bar and restaurant is a lucrative decision to optimize marketing efforts in the tourism industry since Japan is one of the extremely popular destinations for travelers. According to Fairoz and Hirobumi (2016), the country has a combination of dazzling modernity and ancient culture that can be appealing to tourists. Besides, a boom in travellers to Japan creates numerous opportunities in the travel and tourism industry. Over the past years, the number of inbound travellers to Japan has increased steadily.
According to research findings, open for business can be an ideal business opportunity based on the increased number of travellers to the country. As a result of increased demand for local business, an investor can exploit the open window for a bar and restaurant (Fairoz & Hirobomi, 2016). In my opinion, the time has never been ideal for the business rather than in the era of an increased number of travellers to Japan. Therefore, individuals can invest in the ever-expanding market. The current push of integrating locality by organizations and larger brands creates an edge to bar and restaurant business as domestic consumers seek for an authentic experience in various forms of entertainment, hospitality, and service.
The benefits of the investment to a certain group of people
Bar and restaurant business has numerous opportunities for the various groups of people across the United States. For instance, customers will enjoy a wide range of foods and drinks from the establishment, which will seek their basic needs conveniently (Gkoumas, 2019). As such, they will have an opportunity of enjoying their leisure time as they socialize with friends and family members. The food ...
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