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The Changing Landscape of Unions

Essay Instructions:
At the inception of unions, its members consisted of "blue-collar" workers concentrated in the manufacturing sector. Today, only about 35% of union members remain in this sector, requiring unions to expand beyond manufacturing to broaden their membership ranks. Detail the following in relation to the changing landscape of unions: 1. Discuss how union membership has evolved over the past century. 2. Evaluate how unions have modified their philosophy to accommodate this shifting landscape. 3. Propose two (2) reforms unions should consider to broaden their appeal to a workplace environment that is becoming less dependent on the manufacturing sector and in which companies can more easily shift operations overseas to take advantage of lower wage rates. The submission must adhere to APA 6th edition style guidelines.
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The Changing Landscape of Unions Student Name: Course: Instructor: Institution: Date Due: Introduction Over the past centuries, labor or trade unions have been characterized by constant changes. These changes range from membership into the unions to conditions and terms for membership. Labor or trade unions have the responsibility of making sure that the working environment for the workers does not pose a risk to them. This paper explores labor or trade unions membership evolution over the past century. It also involves an evaluation of how the philosophy of these unions has been modified in order to accommodate this changing trend. An exploration of two (2) proposals for reforms which must be undertaken by these unions towards broadening its appeal environment of work place is also carried out. Discussion A union is regarded as a group of employees brought together by common objectives and interests. The unions’ origin dates back to 1870s where craft unions were the first ones (Baker & McKenzie, 2001). They were initiated to help in shielding employees from employers’ harassment. Unions participate in protecting the interests and rights of the employees and helping in resolution of disputes and complaints that involving employees and employers. Unions bargains with the employer representing the employee interests as well as helping to negotiate labor contracts (Fantasia & Voss, 2004). Initially members of unions were only drawn from the blue-collar workers concentrated in the manufacturing sector. However with time, it is envisaged that unions will be able to accommodate workers from all sectors. Today, unions comprise of more educated workers and women. Also it is currently evident that unionization of labor has shifted to the services companies from its dominant manufacturing. Currently, only an approximate of 35% members of unions is in this sector, demanding expansion of unions beyond manufacturing with the purpose of broadening their membership (Fantasia & Voss, 2004). For instance, in the US, in the mid of last century, about a third of workers were accommodated in unions. Since then, the unions’ membership has undergone significant shrinkage. In 1983, employed ...
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