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Enhancing Employee Satisfaction

Essay Instructions:
1. The project is to discuss the HR functions of a selected organization and to describe its roles/responsibilities/impact on the organization as a whole. 2. The project will also discuss about how this organization enhance employee satisfaction and the role of HR professionals 3. Please write onliy introduction and one or two body paragraphs 4. don't need the cover page, please make sure writen double space 2 pages and 550 words.
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Enhancing Employee Satisfaction
Professor Name:
(June 02, 2012)

Enhancing Employee Satisfaction
Human Resource Management (HRM) resonates with the strategic management of manpower or human capital within the organization. Value brought by diverse human assets is established within the organization by critically analyzing employee’s skills, employee’s capabilities and employee’s experience to attain desired targets (Borade, 2011). Manpower within organizations is strategically managed with the intent of retaining performing employees and outsourcing credible talents (Borade, 2011). Human Resource Management has the responsibility of making sure that employee’s satisfaction is enhanced. This paper identifies with Human Resource Management within CocaCola Company.
CocaCola Company is a multinational company with outlets all over the world. This indicates that the success of the company has been attributed by the effective systems of valuing human capital. CocaCola Company believes that human capital is the most important aspect. The achievements of the CocaCola Company objectives are attributed by the human capital (Borade, 2011). Employee performance is critical in human resources in that, human resources management entails employing people, developing related resources, designing crucial resources, compensating services, utilizing services and optimizing the profitability of CocaCola Company employee performance (Borade, 2011). Human resources connect the company management and the workers in the company.
The functions of Human Resource Management entails enhancing employees satisfaction, nurturing human relationships, improving communication levels in employees, addressing employees needs, hiring/terminating employees, offering training/development to employees, identifying individual career goals, enhancing constructive organizational culture, encouraging employee’s self expressions, encouraging sense of responsibility/belonging, implementing resource strategies and evaluating employees performance (Borade, 2011).
The roles played by the Human Resource Management in CocaCola Company have positive impacts to the company, it has enabled the development of organizational cultu...
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