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Portfolio Project Assignment Choice #1: Team Dynamics

Essay Instructions:

Portfolio Project Assignment Choice #1: Team Dynamics
Identify a project that would require team execution – a team that includes you as a participant. (You may use a fictional or real-life example of a project.) Identify the role(s) you would play in that team. (This proposal was due in Week 2).
Incorporate MBTI theory and insights gained from class readings and discussions, and your own experiences to design a team strategy. Incorporate details on team creation, organization, and leadership functions needed to achieve successful project completion, and information on your participation and contribution to the team process as a leader, manager, or follower.
Your paper should be 8-10 pages long, follow the CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements, and contain concepts from the reading materials and application to reality-based scenarios. Your paper should be original, thoughtful, and reflect your insight and analysis of both course materials and experiences.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Portfolio Project Assignment Choice #1: Team Dynamics
Project Description
I have chosen to be involved in a project to implement and integrate a new Professional Organizational Employer (P.E.O) and Human Resource Information System (HRIS). In that leaf, I, as the director of the human resource of Hethaway Consultancy outsourced the services of ADP Total Source to help in some activities that the company might be involved in. In essence, PEO is a company, which can be outsourced to another company to perform managerial tasks like training and development, workers payroll and risk-management among other activities that might appear expensive for the company. HRIS, on the other hand, is an IT platform of handling human resource issues. Some of the most critical applications of HRIS include curriculum vitae scanning and analysis, expenditure of employee benefits and incomes, employee performance assessment and data synchrony for changes in employees’ job description. Typically, the option of outsourcing proves to be advantageous to the firm in that, it will save some time, which would be used in performing other activities.
As Hethaway consultancy, we found it imperative to incorporate these strategies to gain competitive advantage. The two new dynamics-PEO and HRIS will go a long way in improving our recruitment and hiring procedure, reduce paperwork, accurate HR audit, and develop ideal business fits. We also need to adopt the HRIS in compliance with the law. However, we are cognizant of the challenges that may go along with the outsourcing process. Problems may include a shift in technological advances, which will always be present. There is the possibility of human error during input, which could create incongruity in the company.
In addition to that, we are well aware of the cost implications of implementing those strategies. Moreover, we understand the employees’ dissatisfaction due to lack of privacy because of continuous monitoring of their activities by an outside company. Therefore, to implement these strategies effectively, I have selected a team of six able individuals. In fact, these individuals have a vast experience in such matters thereby being helpful in making the project appear flawless. However, Undertaking this project will be challenging, but we are up to the task. In my role, I will push hard my employees out of their comfort zones. I will also work relentlessly to guide the whole team. I will also be on the alert to eliminate any duplication or violating budgetary lines as stipulated by the corporate finance manager. Finally, I will also put up my experience in motivating the employees to ensure that they work out of their hearts for the success of that project.
Team Selection
As mentioned earlier, my first critical task will be to select an efficient team. I am well aware that if the implementation of these strategies is to be effective, much will depend on my thoroughness on harnessing synergistic teamwork that has been the primary goal of the firm. I am also keeping in mind that teams bear their complexities. It is therefore crucial that I select people who can work together under different circumstances and challenges. Typically, the employees working on this project are the cornerstone of its success. I also have to develop a leadership style that would bring results and to that effect, I will rely on the MBTI theory. In this regard, the first approach will fall under Extravert-Introvert Preference. I will take the Extravert approach in handling my team. The initiative will motivate my team and convene focus discussion groups from time to time (Martin, 2017). The discussion groups created will be of help in the exchange of ideas to put on the table the best plan (Lientz, 2013). It will be contrary to sitting behind my desk the entire day.
In the category of Sensing-Intuition preference, I will go with a hybrid of both. I will not only be pragmatic and work with the information I have, but I will also work intuitively to promote vision and creativity in my team. I will take a thinking approach as opposed to feeling approach in leading the team. Essentially, a thinking approach will put me in their shoes, which will help in discovering the challenges that they might face. I find it in the firm’s best interest to be objective and be clinical to enable me to make tough decisions. The employees might not like it, but they will surely understand its necessity. However, I will largely try to forge close relationships with members of my team and motivate them when I can. Furthermore, I will finally take a perceiving rather than judgment approach. I want to be flexible and make quick fixes to adapt to changing circumstances and to adopt better plans.
In creating my team, I look forward to generating team spirit and commitment towards the overall objective. I will facilitate positive interpersonal relations to reap the benefits of teamwork. Consequently, this sense of identification will create camaraderie and will downplay job status differences (Michael et al., 2017). In my quest to do this I will make all the members of my team feel appreciated. This I will do by recognizing extra effort, appreciating, and accommodating all their ideas and build strong communication networks amongst them. I will also create room for a healthy competition among the workers helping them to appreciate invention and innovation. I will also lead collective action in my team by setting standards, establishing norms and yardsticks to monitor performance regularly. Mainly, the monitoring of performance assists in knowing the progress of the project under implementation.
Team Organization
My next milestone will be to organize the team I have chosen. For our strategy not to falter, we will need to create frameworks, systems, checks, and ba...
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