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FP 100 R1 Assignment: Investment Planning Proposal

Essay Instructions:

Investment Planning Proposal
Imagine you are meeting with friends to discuss the importance of investments as part of a retirement plan.
Read the following summaries of the financial situation and goals of two of your friends:
Kathy is a 28-year-old, single mother of twin boys. She has been working as a public relations media specialist for three years, having worked at the same company where she started out answering the phones. She has her B.A. in Communications and a student loan of $20,000 she has not yet begun to pay off. Her job pays $70,000 a year. She receive no financial support from the father of her twins. Her costs include paying for childcare, credit cards, and a mortgage. She is able to set aside between $200-325 a month in a savings account. Her financial goals are to pay off the remaining $1,000 of her credit card debt, and to begin contributing to a retirement plan. Her employer offers a 401k with a 3% match, and she is not yet enrolled in that plan.
Jackson is a recently graduated 44-year-old, single man. He earned his B.S. in Criminal Justice and just recently started a job at the local police department earning $45,000 a year. Jackson pays child support for one child from a previous marriage. His student loans total $30,000, and he has no other debt at this time. He expects to have $200 a month to contribute toward his goals of owning a home and having a more secure retirement.
Choose one friend and write an APA-formatted, 3- to 4-page proposal advising a friend about investing for the future. The text of your proposal should be a minimum of 700 words. You may add any graphics or illustrations that support your proposal.
Address the following in your proposal:
Why is investment planning important?
How would you suggest your friend start retirement planning? What steps should he/she take to start?
What investment strategy would you suggest? Why? (Note: Your strategy should explain how money could be invested in stocks, bonds, mutual funds or a mix of all.)
Of what risks and rewards of investing should your friend be aware?
How could your friend minimize the risks associated with investing risk?
Provide two to three resources you would offer to your friend to continue learning more about investments and retirement planning and discuss how these can help.
Your paper must cite two to three academic resources (only one source can be your class textbook).
Submit your proposal to the Assignment Files tab.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
      Investment Planning Proposal Name University of Phoenix Date Investment planning Investment planning is important to keep more of what one earns, and also earning from the investments. Prudent investment planning is crucial to meeting one’s financial needs and freedom even when they retire or need emergency money. It is necessary to determine the financial objectives and plan for what one seeks to achieve. Similarly, understanding financial assets helps in investment planning as allocation of these assets seeks to meet the financial needs. Steps in retirement planning
  • I would advise Jackson to start by figuring out how much he needs while taking into consideration the impact of cost of living and lifestyle on investment planning
  • He should also focus on budgeting and setting up an emergency fund, while aiming to save depending on his spending habits.
  • Contributing $ 200 on a monthly basis to cover for retirement and a home is an attainable goal, but he ought to consider a higher amount.
  • Work out the savings required before retirement to maintain he desired lifestyles, and online calculators can be utilized to breakdown the savings and returns.
  • After saving he also needs to diversify his retirement portfolio depending on risk, his age, income goals and debt payments.
  • If there is a gap between what Jackson wants and his savings, action is taken to close the gap.
Investment strategy Jackson will likely retire in two decades he needs secure retirement and a home within that time. I would advise him to choose an aggressive investment approach to maximize returns during that time Vanguard identifies a 70% allocation in stocks and 30% in bonds as one of the options of the growth financial assets allocation model. This approach will result in growth of the principal as it is long-term. Jackson will be earning $ 4,000 while working in the local police department and since he lives alone his expenses are unlikely to be high. Generating income is not a priority at the moment and a growth strategy is necessary to increase. An investment strategy that mixes risky and the risk-free assets while shifting risks is effective as this optimize outcomes to meet the retirement goal (Merton, 2014). The financial assets will be placed in a mutual fund and the case for this, is that analysts recommend stocks and they tend such funds tend to outperform others. Analysts make judgments and predict future value and when most analysts agree that some of the stocks need to be upgraded in the mutual funds, this will likely result in higher returns. The mutual funds are attractive as they outperform the markets, while they tend to attract low fees (Guercio & Reuter, 2014).   Risks and rewards of investing
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