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Writing Assignment: Go Biz, Memo To Mr. McComas

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Must be 2 pages long and written in the memo format

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To: Mr. McComas
Date: October 10, 2017
Re: Go-BIZ
1 Governor Edmund Brown created Go-Biz to serve as a single point of contact for job creation and development efforts for California. There are many services that Go-Biz offers to business owners including attraction, site selection, retention and expansion services, regulatory hurdles clearance, permit streamlining, assistance to small businesses, and international trade development (CA.GOV, n.d.). Therefore, Go-Biz seeks to support businesses in the state. The range of services provided by Go-Biz is meant to ensure that business owners conduct operations smoothly. While the businesses benefit from having smooth operations, the members of the public acquire jobs that are created by the businesses.
2 Go-Biz affects business operations to a great extent. It makes it easier for firms to do business in the state. Business can receive tax credits through Go-Biz. There are several tax credit incentives that are provided by the state to stimulate economic growth (Go-Biz, 2016). Firms in the state that create new jobs and put in new capital investments are awarded California Competes Tax Credit (CCTC). Firms that would like to be considered for this incentive have to submit an application to the organization. Another state incentive that may affect the operations of a business is the New Employment Credit (NEC). For a firm to qualify for this incentive, it has to be located in an area with high poverty and unemployment rates. In addition, the firm has to hire a full-time employee. The R&D tax credit is available for firms that conduct qualified research activities in the state. There are other tax credits that can affect the business operations that all firms have to explore.
Another effect that Go-Biz may have on a business is through financing. There is the CalCAP that encourages financial institutions to offer loans to businesses, particularly small ones that find it difficult to access financing (Go-Biz, 2016). There is also the CalCAP Collateral Support that helps small businesses in securing financing in the case there is a collateral shortfall.
Workforce development programs related to Go-Biz may also affect a business in that they aim to upgrade the skills of employees. There is the Workforce Investment Board, CALVET, Employment Training Panel (ETP), Division of Apprentice Standards (DAS), and Joint Venture Program (JVP) that seek to oversee the affairs of workers in the state (Go-Biz, 2016). Given that businesses depend on employees to carry out daily operations, these programs by Go-Biz affect them.
Another aspect of the Go-Biz that affects businesses is environment and energy programs. Business organizations that have in place measures to conserve the environment receive a number of incentives and grants from the state. These programs, in one way or another influence the operations of a business.
3 Go-Biz may interact with in-state business in a number of ways in order to boost retention, expansion, and growth. There is the California Business Investment Service...
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