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Business & Marketing
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Tactical Brief: Business & Marketing Essay

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my company is sony playstation, please see the word doc

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Tactical Brief
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Tactical Brief
The “Greatness Awaits” campaign is designed to increase Sony PlayStation's competitive edge, increase annual sales, improve and strengthen brand awareness to the general audience. Besides, it will help build a more significant appeal to the broad audience by refining the marketing mix elements to market needs and counter sales decline due to the release of new consoles from competitors. In the short run, the campaign will increase sales by 10% by hosting successful promotional advertising events, improving visibility in search engines, and improving customer conversions. In the long term, the campaign will help strengthen brand reputation, refine brand awareness, and develop a community of loyal customers. The campaign targets people from the upper, middle, and higher social classes between 16-40 years.
The campaign will leverage online advertising such as Facebook, Instagram, and Google ads to reach the target market. These platforms are the most effective means of advertisement as it help reach a bigger audience as the targeted customers spend most of their time on these platforms. For example, in the United States, over 270 million people are enrolled in social media platforms and spend an average of three in a day on these platforms (Statista. 2020). Naturally, online advertising help organizations show their ads to potential customers while filtering out audiences who are not enticed by the products or services. For example, google ads will help reach the right customers, at the right time, and the right location. Besides, it allows the company to control the costs of advertising. That is, google pay per click only charges an organization after a potential customer clicks on the ad.
Google ads allow a company to customize their ads using keywords, location, age, language, days, times, frequency, and devices that can access the ads, thus making the campaign more targeted. Besides, Facebook, Google, and Instagram ads help track the campaign's effectiveness since it shows the number of people who clicked the ads. The campaign will cost an average of $2.32 on google AdWords and an average of $59.18 on cost per action. It will also spend an average of $2.00 on Facebook ads and $18.68 on this platform's cost per action (Maake, 2020). On Instagram, the company will spend an average of $5 on every click (Shewan, 2020). The ads will be run on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday from noon to 8 pm, where most people spend their leisure time.
After clicking the Ad, a potential customer will be promoted to watch a short, intriguing video on adventure and accomplishment gamers experience Sony video games. On completion, the customer will be directed to th...
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