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Campaign Creative Brief: Build and strengthen your brand with pmCAN

Essay Instructions:

Please use IMC_Creative Brief Template_Campaign:

create a Creative Brief as if you're planning a new marketing campaign for your organization that will incorporate IMC. It will follow the format of the attached document. It will be submitted in a word document and will require full sentences and explanations/references to ensure all points made in the brief are substantiated. This assignment will help set up what you will do for your IMC plan by helping outline all of the necessary steps.

Please don't go over 200 words in any particular section. (I will do the Campaign Stakeholders

by myself)

My Org: pmCAN video production studio

(for my selected org-pmCAN, please see “Jin_Organization Selection & Channel Audit”)

(for my audience persona, please see “Persona-Funway”)

(for my IMC objectives, please see “IMC objectives”)

(For my IMC consumer research, please see “IMC-Consumer Research”)

also, pmCAN studio: Here is the web of pmCAN https://pmcanmedia(dot)wixsite(dot)com/ubelonghere/about-us

Our competitor model(what we wanna be like):https://www(dot)nashpictures(dot)com/productionservices?gclid=CjwKCAiA4o79BRBvEiwAjteoYLRPBSW0-syEv2bFh5CLO8YHDC77e1owzfz_AyTfqGe_84McvrYDKRoCumMQAvD_BwE

Who? Our organization targets musicians, filmmakers, and community members who enjoy watching videos and would like creative, empathetic, and aesthetic video content.

What? We create video content. We create music videos for musicians, we support and help filmmakers to make short films, we make documentary videos for families and individual persons, we create branding videos for companies.

Why? Buyers need unique videos for their music, stories, and daily experiences.

Where? Our customers can be found on online social media platforms and in person.

When? We get access to consumers when we post content online or when we attend in-person events such as film festivals.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Campaign Creative Brief
Institution/ Affiliation
Campaign Name

Build and strengthen your brand with pmCAN

Campaign Timeline

PmCAN takes your brand to the next level with

Project Overview

PmCAN video production studio is rooted in the production of original, creative, aesthetic, empathetic, and easy-to-understand video content to its customers. The brand strives to continually evolve and become the world top video content creator by offering the customers with the most advanced technologies available today in the video production industry. PmCAN seeks to transform customers' simple ideas into appealing visual content that allow their brand to shine and gain a competitive edge. In the contemporary business world characterized by technological advancements, sharing powerful visual contents is one of the most effective and efficient tools in reaching and attracting new customers (Manic, 2015). It helps an organisation build a brand reputation and gain credibility in less time than any other type of content (Gretzel, 2017). PmCAN wants to be in the frontline in the creation of appealing visual content that has a lasting effect, higher social media engagement and stimulates users to perform a call to action.
However, pmCAN have minimal visibility in the market and faces stiff competition from other world-leading video content producers. This creative brief serves as a roadmap in the creation of an effective advertising campaign that will help reach more potential customers and inform the customers about the services offered. In this respect, the campaign will focus on capturing the attention of prospective customers and entice them to choose the company services. This project will therefore create an advertising marketing campaign for pmCAN that provide the best video content with a focus on empathetic, easy-to-understand, creative and aesthetic.

Project Deliverables & Scope

Despite pmCAN has social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, it rarely uses these platforms to reach its potential customers. Research shows effective digital marketing helps business remain competitive and relevant by connecting with customers through different social platforms (Gretzel, 2017). For example, Facebook helps amplify a company’s reach content while at the same time, allowing the organisation to answer customer queries, lighten misconceptions and generate sales.
As such, this project seeks to increase the use of media advertising, digital advertisement and personal contacts, forums and conferences to increase brand awareness and reputation. In this respect, the campaign will use Instagram and YouTube ads that will be updated once every month. It will help reach more customers, especially in the current era, where many people are subscribers and spend most of their valuable time on these platforms. In the united states, for example, over 220 million, mainly the young people are active users in these platforms (Pew Research Center, 2020). Besides, the campaign intends to set up two conferences every month and sponsor a series of social media posts on Facebook and Twitter accounts. That is, the campaign will publish a unique video every week on social platforms. However, the campaign challenges including increased competition, insufficient resources, keeping the quality consistently high, and increasingly shift in trends in the marketing industry.

Target Audience

Trying to serve all possible niche is one the primary factor that leads to marketing campaign failure. Therefore, identifying the target audience helps a business has a clear focus on the customers and why they require the goods and services while at the same time, address their unique ...
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