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Principles of Economics - Socio-Economic Issues

Essay Instructions:

For the second paper, students are required to produce a well-researched essay on two global socio-economic issues. APA Style – Cover and Reference page required. Minimum required content for each of these papers is 5 pages and maximum of 6 pages excluding references. Some of the global socio-economic issues that students will write on include:

1. Economics of Global Warming & Climate Change

2. The Fiscal and Economic Impact of Immigration on the United States of America

3. Argue for or against the imposition of tariffs on Chinese imports and the retaliation by China. What could be done to lessen the impact on the consumers and producers in China and the United States?

Must hit on Student Learning Objectives (SLOs) 1, 2, 3 and 4

1. Describe the principles of macro and microeconomics.

2. Evaluate the market forces involved in supply and demand.

3. Describe the interaction between consumers and producers.

4. Explain the dynamics of international trade.

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Global Socio-Economic Issues
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Global Socio-Economic Issues
Economic principles and social-economic issues are the weaknesses and strengths of markets, companies, and administrations (Goodwin et al., 2019). Economic principles help solve problems and challenges of the social organization, including responses to policies, inflation, pollution and climate change, unemployment, and progression. In this paper, we shall look into the economics of global warming and climate change, fiscal and economic effects of immigration on the US, an argument against the imposition of tariffs on Chinese imports and micro and macroeconomics principles, and the dynamics of international trade.
Economics of Global Warming and Climate Change
The economics of climate change alarms the climate view of climate change. That tells some of the policies the government has implemented to respond to it. Many factors make climate change a challenging and demanding problem from the political and economic angles (Kompas et al., 2018). The distribution of the expenditures and the profits across nations is not even. Besides, the scientific views and opinions from the public are put into consideration.
The primary source of climate change is global warming, which is mainly due to greenhouse gases. The greenhouse gases absorb heat in the atmosphere and radiate it back, which then warm the earth. The leading gases are carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, methane, and fluorinated gases. The long-time problems experienced are linked to global warming. They have prompted the analysts to develop future environmental, economic, and social variations that can help the government comprehend its decisions' possible significances.
The effects of climate change include increased sea levels, acidification of the oceans, biodiversity effects, and numerous extreme weather events such as flooding. Economists have tried to measure these effects in terms of money but have had debatable evaluations. (Kompas et al., 2018). At times, governments choose to practice risk management in the policies' enclosure to respond to global warming. The approach might be challenging to quantify in terms of monetary value.
Experts have evaluated global warming in connection to sustainable and practical development. Sustainable development puts into consideration the implication of the present actions on the upcoming generations. In some cases, policies and methodologies intended to respond to global warming may positively impact other developments (Crawford et al., 2017). For instance, stopping fossil fuel grants would reduce air pollution and save the lives of the public. In other parts, the opportunity expenditures of climate change policy may exist when global warming policies' budgets deflect resources far from further ecologically and socially beneficial investments.
The Fiscal and Economic Impact of Immigration on the United States of America
The Fiscal impact describes the outcome of the taxes the immigrants pay minus the cost they generate for the administration. The Economic and Fiscal Consequences of Immigration has found out that there is a minor long term influence of immigration on the earnings and employment of workers belonging to the United States by birth and that negative impacts are due to native-born school dropouts or previous immigrants. The second generations' immigrants are the strongest fiscal benefit and economic funders in the United States. In contrast, the first generation of immigrants incurs more costs to the government than the native-born.
According to the National Research Council (NRC), the impact of migration on the United States of America is dependent on the immigrant's level of education (Mayer, 2018). There exists a general agreement that immigrants with lower income and less education are the net fiscal drag, while immigrants with more education and higher income are net fiscal profit. Additionally, illegal immigrants with low education levels are a substantial fiscal drag, while legal immigrants with a low education level contribute to a substantial fiscal problem (Mayer, 2018). The reason is that legal immigrants are entitled to many programs than illegal immigrants. Generally, immigration has a significant positive influence on the overall development of the United States economy.
The imposition of Tariffs on Chinese Imports and the Retaliation by China
Donald Trump’s trade policy has caused a trade conflict. Coming from a nation with a record of advocating for free trade, the American president should have acquired an economic experience. Imposing tariffs is similar to obstructing his state, rather than that of his rival, during a battle. The tariffs tend to penalize American consumers more than consumers from foreign countries.
The level at which the US imposes tariffs on Chinese imports and the size of merchandise the US government cover are frequently varying as the trade disagreement between the two economies accelerates. China and the United States started to impose extra tariffs on each of its products during their business's previous acceleration. That has caused effects on the worldwide economy.
The first round of tariffs started from 0401 GTM, with China's levy of 5% on US crude oil (Buckley et al., 2018). It marked the trade war between the two economies. United States' government started to gather 15% tariffs on $125 billion in Chinese imported products. China retaliated by imposing extra tariffs on US products with a target of $75 billion. The additional tariffs of 5% and 10% were imposed on 1,717 items of 5,078 goods from the United States.
All the tariffs that the two countries have been imposing on each other's goods have contributed to a drop in global development, interest rate cycles, and remunerations (Buckley et al., 2018). The US economy has slowed down in terms of material...
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