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Summative Report About Germany: Culture And Communication

Essay Instructions:

The Summative Research Report

Your Report Situation: You have been awarded a great opportunity to work as a professional for XYZ Corporation in the country you have selected to focus your report on. Your focus for the assignment is to research the country's cultural and business communication styles. For example, do women hold executive management positions? Is it customary for top business transactions within the work place to discuss business over lunch etc.? So you are discovering how the country communicates in the workplace and business.

Here is the specific information that you will include your report.

Report Content: The report should be five pages excluding the cover page, table of contents and the works cited page. The content should be double spaced. You will need to use three sources to support your findings excluding the course textbook. The report should include in-text citations that coincide with the sources cited on the works cited page. Reports that do not include in-text citations will receive a grade no higher than a 50/F. The sources should be cited in APA citation style. You will submit the assignment as a Microsoft Word attachment. 

Report Will Specifically Include in the following order: Front Matter (Title page, Table of contents,) Body (Abstract, Introduction, Text, and only one graph or table as well as the conclusion of the report) and works cited page. The graph or table should not take up a lot of space on the page. Specifically meaning, it should not take up more than one-quarter of the page. The font size in the report is 12 using either Times New Roman or Courier New.

Report Resources: Mr. Steve Cramer, Business Librarian at UNCG, is also available for to communicate with about this assignment so please use him as a resource. You of course, may communicate with me about the progression of the report as well. In addition, the text ( chapter 11) is the chapter for you to use as a guide for writing the report. You also have the PowerPoint presentation about chapter 11 available at your disposal as well. The country what I choose was German.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Summative Report About Germany
Institutional Affiliation
Summative Report About Germany
The management is required to have detailed information about the national culture and communication styles to acquire an increased market share in the targeted market. Cultural awareness is necessary for the business to acquire a stable workplace environment to improve the production. The diverse culture in the workplace requires the management to develop staffing policies that will satisfy the different needs of the employees. Employee and consumer satisfaction highly contributed to the achievement of set long-term goals of production. Marketing strategies implemented require evaluating the culture of the community for a stable performance in the targeted market. Communication styles are used to make the flow of the business effective for a steady production (Schroll-Machl, 2017). Communication style put into practice by the management should focus on satisfying the needs of stakeholders. Germany culture and business communication styles are needed for a proper flow of business operations in the nation.
Germany’s culture
Germany is a cross-cultural nation where there are individuals from different parts of the world. It is essential for the management to come up with plans that will ensure a sustainable performance of the organization through the development of proper production policies. The continuous development of the economy has made it possible for individuals to continue investing and seeking for job opportunities in the country. The expatriates in Germany have increased in the recent past requiring a business to perform a market analysis that is necessary for coming up with plans that will meet the diverse needs of the people. Culture research focuses on ensuring that there is increased understanding of the attitude and behavior of citizens of a nation. The consumer surveys are used in ensuring that the products and services produced in Germany meet the different needs of individuals in the nation. The development of certain aspects of the product and services is used in ensuring that there is the achievement of a long-term competitive advantage of an organization. Germany is Europe’s leading economy and with the second highest number of the population behind Russia making businesses in the region perform well. Christianity is the main religion in the region with over 65% of the populations (Zimmermann, 2015). The business entry in the nation requires focusing on ensuring that there is an increased consumer satisfaction by focusing on a particular market segment in Germany.
The government of Germany focuses on women empowerment in ensuring that there is an achievement of set macroeconomic goals of the nation. Women can work in executive positions for different companies in the region. The education system provides the learners with required entrepreneurship skills which have greatly contributed to the continuous growth of the economy. Germans work together without discrimination to ensure that there is sustainable social and economic progress of the nation. People in the region use German with 95% of the population knowing the language with Turkish and Kurdish also spoken in the nation (Zimmermann, 2015). The knowledge of languages in Germany makes it possible for the business to acquire the needed market share. Expatriates are required to know the German language to have an opportunity to work with businesses in the nation. According to BBC (2017) Euro is the c...
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