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Business Ethics Research Assignment: Negligence and Product Safety

Essay Instructions:

Before u answering those question. READ the BOOK

5. Negligence and Product Safety (Chapter 8) 

a)How is negligence defined in the text?

b)Explain how negligence codifies two fundamental ethical principles. 

c)Explain the three possible standards of “foreseeability” discussed in the text. 

a.Which standard does the author think correct? 

b.Explain the reasons he rejects the other two. 

d)Using the scenario discussed in the text, do you think McDonalds was negligent with regard to the coffee it served? State and support your answer using the standard of foreseeability endorsed by the author. 

6. Marketing Ethics (Chapter 9) 

a)Distinguish between manipulation, deception, and a lie. Does the ethical wrong of these practices depend most directly on the consequences or on the intent? State support your answer by, in part, referencing one of the ethical theories we have studied. 

b)To what degree do you think that modern marketing has created a dysfunctional affluent economy in which irrational and trivial consumer demand has replaced personal and social needs? State and thoroughly support your answer, including specific examples. 

7. Preferential Hiring (Chapter 11) 

a)List the three general means of preferential treatment in hiring. 

b)Select and explain one of the arguments in support of preferential hiring practices: a.Compensatory Justice b.A Proper Understanding of Equality Be THOROUGH in your explanation, including all claims, counterarguments and responses. 

c)Which, if any, preferential hiring practices do you think are ethically justified? Explain and support your answer with at least three reasons/arguments. 

8. Sexual Harassment (Chapter 11) 

a)Why was the “reasonable man” standard introduced into consideration of sexual harassment cases? a.How is this standard supposed to solve the problem? 

b)List the four ways might the “reasonable man” standard be interpreted. 

c)What is the difference between the average and the ideal versions of these standards? 

d)Explain the two reasons given in support of using the reasonable woman standard. 

e)Explain the two reasons against using the reasonable woman standard. 

f)Which standard do you think should be used when determining whether sexual harassment has taken place? State and support your answer with clear reasons. 

9. Insider Trading (Chapter 7) 

a)What is insider trading? 

b)What are the two ethical arguments supporting insider trading presented in the text? a.Explain the arguments presented in the text refuting each of these arguments. 

c)Explain the three ethical arguments against insider trading presented in the text. 

d)Regarding the “unfairness argument”, to whom is insider trading unfair—the potential investor or the actual investor? a.Explain why insider trading is unfair to one, but not the other.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Business Ethics
Business Ethics
5. Negligence and Product Safety
Negligence is defined as the failure to apply reasonable care that results in harm to another. Negligence codifies two fundamental ethical principles. The first principle is one can be negligence by doing something that one ought not to have done such as ignoring a stop sign. The other principle is that negligence can occur when one fails to do something one ought to have done such as failing to inspect a product for leakage before releasing it to the market. One standard of foreseeability discussed in the test is that people should be held accountable for only those harms they foresaw occurring. In this case, if the person foresees possible harm and fails to handle it before hand, the person would be negligence. The other standard of foreseeability is where one is required to avoid harms even those they have not thought about, but those they should have thought about if they had been reasonable. This means ensuring that that one is reasonable enough to think of all possible harms. The third standard of foreseeability is where a reasonable person is able to take on a standard of thoughtful, reflective, as well as judicious decision making. The author thinks this third standard is correct because producers have more expertise than average person and so they can think like this. Yes McDonald was negligent in the way it served its coffee because they should have thought how people who are drinking while driving should have been holding their hot coffee. They should have thought about the possibility of spills while driving.
6. Marketing Ethics
Manipulation is to secretly direct behavior without the explicit consent or conscious understanding of the other. Deception is deliberately causing another to believe something is true when it is not. To lie is also to say something that is not true. The ethical wrong in manipulation, deception, and lying depend most directly on the intent. This is because the intention of these practices is to treat the other party as a means to an end, or as an object used as opposed to an independent person with one’s rights. Manipulation is done with the intention of self-interests over the rights of another person and this makes it ethically wrong. Kantian theory best explains the ethical wrong of manipulation because it views wrongness and rightness of an action on whether they fulfil a duty. If the action fulfils a duty of self-interest it is wrong, but if it is for the good of everyone it is right. Manipulation has the intention of using another as a means and so it is ethically wrong. Modern marketing has created dysfunctional affluent economy because of manipulation. For example, trivial things such as children enjoying themselves has been manipulated such that advertisements target children with goodies and candy that promote obesity. Another example, is when a pharmaceutical company targets vulnerable diabetic patients by exaggerating the potential of a certain drug.
Preferential Hiring
One means of preferential treatment is giving preference to a previously disadvantaged candidate among mostly equally qualified individuals. For example, giving a job to a person of color. The second preferential treatment is having all members of previously disadvantaged groups in a population of qualified candidates and give them preference in hiring even though, another individual like a white male is available and m...
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