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Strategy of Boxycharm to Enter the China Market

Essay Instructions:

Part I

A. General information (location, climate, topography, etc.) about the country along with a brief history

B. Cultural and Social Analysis

Language or Languages Spoken/Written

Religion(s) and Religious Influences in Life and Business

Customs/Traditions/Manners/Habits: Food, Drinks, Clothing, Personal Hygiene, Myths, and Superstitions

Core Values, Norms, and Attitudes relating to foreign and domestic products

High or Low-Context Culture; Rankings on Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions

Aesthetics: Colors, Music, Symbolism, Beauty, etc.

Social Institutions: Family life, Educational institutions, Class Systems, etc.

Business Customs: Protocols, Greetings, Keeping Time, Space, Gift Giving, Hospitality, Negotiations, etc.

C. Economic Analysis

Population: Actual Count (latest), Growth Rates, Number of Households, Working Population, Age Distribution, Density of Population, etc.

Income: GNP or GDP, Per Capita Income, Average Family Income, Distribution of Wealth, etc.

Natural Resources

Infrastructure: Transportation & Communication Systems—modes/types, availability, usage rates

Inflation Rates

International Trade Statistics: Exports, Imports, Balance-of-payments situation, Exchange Rates

D. Political and Legal Analysis

Political Ideology

Role of Politics

Relationship with other countries

Legislation, Regulations, or Special rules affecting the marketing of your product

Tariffs, Quotas, and other Restrictions on Imports and Exports

Information on Subsidies Provided

Intellectual Property Rights Protection

Part 2

A. Introduction: Describe the product and the company you work for

B. Situation Analysis: Describe the environment you operate in (modify Part I of your project by selecting information relevant to your plan)—general information about the industry, competition and governmental controls along with information about the firm and the market

C. Target Market and Positioning: Define your target consumers and the positioning of your product

D. Entry strategy

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Strategy of Boxycharm to Enter the China Market Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Strategy of Boxycharm to Enter the China Market Boxycharm is among the most famous beauty subscription boxes in the market. It offers monthly subscription services that include sending a full-size brand name beauty product to the clients for $21 every month (Parcells, 2018). A Boxycharm box is valued at more than $100 in the US, and free shipping is offered. The subscription also allows the client access to the Boxycharm’s charmer community, an exclusive community, where tutorials on how to use the Boxycharm products are offered. It also features a reward point system where the client can redeem their points for favorite beauty products. It was founded in 2013 by Joe Martin, who serves as the CEO of the company, to bring together and engage various beauty brands and consumers. He was seeking to fill a gap that he had identified between beauty companies and subscription services. Headquartered in Pembroke Pines, Florida, the private company employs close to 200 employees (Parcells, 2018). It deals with beauty as well as personal accessories. When created, the company was the first beauty box committed to the delivery of all beauty products, allowing the clients to have a complete experience and hence make better decisions regarding their purchasing options. Boxycharm was also the first company to pay beauty brands the full cost of goods and hence enable them to deliver the best products to the clients without any extra costs. The main competitor is Birchbox. Unlike other subscription services that only offer mini or deluxe samples, Boxycharm delivers 4-5 full-size products every month. The products provided are from a variety of prestigious providers of beauty products such as Tatcha and Tarte. The Chinese Market Understanding a target market is paramount before venturing into it. This is informed by the fact that differences in social and cultural values may greatly affect the uptake of the organization’s product. Therefore, before recommending strategies that Boxycharm should apply while venturing into the Chinese market, this paper will first analyze the Chinese market. As expected, the Chinese population differs greatly from the American population. Resultantly, the company will be entering unfamiliar territories and hence a deep understanding of the values, tastes and preferences of the Chinese consumers are critical. The lucrativeness of the Chinese market to any savvy business seeking expansion is undeniable. However, breaking into the market can be difficult due to changing consumer and market demands. Most Chinese have an online presence. The country is also experiencing a gradual death of traditional and offline media. China boasts the largest internet penetration for a developing country in the world. It is estimated that more than 500 million smartphones are used in China. Moreover, the country is committed to improving its online infrastructure and connectivity. These dynamics offers a great opportunity for Boxycharm. Since the company deals with online subscriptions, the huge online presence is bound to fuel its growth and grow its presence in the Chinese market. Chinese consumers also largely engage online. It is estimated that the average Chinese spends 1.5 hours every day online (MarketingToChina, 2017). This is also a great opportunity for the company. It can easily monitor the trends, tastes, and preferences of the consumers through their online feedback and conversations. Another aspect that any business aspiring to venture into the Chi...
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