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The Alchemy Organization: Final Business Paper

Essay Instructions:

This paper is for a Business class, and I would like it to be based on a DC nightclub; Pure Lounge, Park@The 14th, Love(formerly known as Dream), or another popular DC nightclub.

Below are the instructions for the paper from the Professor and all the questions he'd like this paper to answer.

Let us examine the course, Business Ethics, though the lens of your own experiences in business. Identify one company or organization (the “Company”) that you have worked with or for, describe the basic structure purpose of the Company and then write a paper in which you respond to the following questions. In your response, include specific examples and incorporate concepts and terms you studied in the course. Also use at least two reliable sources on the subjects of Corporate Culture, Business Ethics and/or the Ethics of Marketing in addition to your textbook.

1. Corporate Culture: Describe the corporate culture of the Company. How does this culture compare to other cultures you have read about or worked with? What are the strengths and weaknesses of this type of culture? Did the Company have a Mission Statement or Credo? Did the culture track the Mission Statement? In what ways did it not? Can you identify specific reasons why you believe the culture was different than these professed mores and goals? How much of the culture at the Company came from the top-down as opposed to the bottom-up? Were you in a position to make changes or suggestions to the corporate culture? Did you do so? If so, what were the results? If you did not make suggestions, why didn’t you? If you were to start a company of your own, what lessons in corporate culture could you take from the Company?

2. Meaning and Rights at Work: Was the work you did at the Company meaningful? Why or why not? In what ways could the leaders of the company make certain that the work was more meaningful? Why do we concern ourselves with whether or not work is or is not meaningful to us? Do you have a right to work at a meaningful job? Why or why not? What if the work is generally uninspiring but occasionally exceptionally meaningful—is that situation a meaningful job situation? Did you ever find yourself complaining about the lack of meaningful work or direction at the Company? Did the corporate culture help or hinder the amount of meaning people were finding in their jobs at the Company? Did you feel the amount of meaning people found in their jobs had any correlation to the amount of participation they were allowed in the decision-making process at work? Why or why not?

3. Marketing Ethics: Who were your customers at the Company? Were sales and marketing a major point of discussion within the Company? What sort of tactics and strategies were employed in order to maximize sales? Did you ever feel that the Company was acting unethically towards its customers via its marketing and sales techniques? How? If you were CEO for a day, how might you change these tactics to make them more ethical? At what point in the marketing process does “hard selling” become unethical? At what point does manipulating a customer’s sales choices become deception or lying? Did you ever feel that those lines were being crossed in your Company? How?

Essay Sample Content Preview:
The Alchemy Organization Name: Institution: The Alchemy Organization The Alchemy Bar School is an organization that offers a high level of education, adequate skills and consultancy in the field of bar management, beverage management, bartending and professional bar catering to concerned individuals and hiring companies. The organization also provides bar equipment at a hire agreement and on hire purchase terms as well as recommending their best students as bartenders to bar companies all over the world. The organization was founded in 2010 by Costas Nicolaides, an individual who has been bartending for over 15 years having won numerous service provision awards and assisted by Krasi Chukov who is also a renowned bartender. Over time, the organization has developed a corporate culture that has kept it smoothly running for all these years. This is evident in the way the owner and the assistant of the organization treat their employees with dignity and respect. The owners and the employees also reflect on their corporate culture by treating the students who take bar courses with equity, dignity and humility with the view of making them just as skilled as they are. Punctuality is the key in the organization and when it opens in the morning, students, teachers and owners are always in the organization premises before time (Green, 1988). Moreover, Costas Nicolaides believes in perfection at work and that is why all the products and services provided by the organization are always high quality. Furthermore, during its formation, the company had its sole Mission Statement which stated that it has β€œThe desire to create a community of professional bartenders and a vision the existing level of bartending.” Although the organization is still young, it has so far managed to maintain its mission statement. However, as much as its corporate culture has all the organizational strengths, it also has shortcomings. One of the weaknesses of the culture is that some employees do not fully adhere to the ground rules set by the owners because they perceive themselves as being civilians who are simply paying to be taught how to be bartenders. In real sense, all the rules and regulation stated in the organization pamphlet imply that the organization is trying to create a happy society full of renowned bartenders. This sets the culture and the organization in general apart and different from cultures of other organizations in the same filed of business. Therefore, having rea...
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