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Marketing Macroenvironment: Challenges, Strategies, and Competition

Essay Instructions:

In completing this task, focus on depth, not breath. Meaning, you do not need to cover everything relevant to the question and everything that we’ve discussed in class on the topic. Rather, think of a few things you want to highlight and demonstrate that you understand those concepts deeply. Use examples that we haven’t discussed in class to show your understanding. You may use Google as well to help with this as well. Since you should be thinking of examples that we have not discussed in class, there shouldn’t be any overlap between you and your peers in the examples you choose.

Your grade will be based on the quality and originality of your responses. Make sure to proofread your responses as I am grading both on content and quality (such as a lack of typos). Each response should be at most 1 page. Thus, the entire submission should be at most 3 pages with 12-pt font, 1” margins, and in Times New Roman.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Question 1
The marketing macroenvironment poses a great challenge to business organizations around the world owing to the ever-shifting demands from aspects such as compliance with environmental protection initiatives. Climate change, for instance, poses a great challenge to production activities across the diverse economic sectors as business entities have to comply with the local, national, and international provisions on sustainable production and manufacturing activities. Companies have to down their rates of carbon emissions while also emphasizing on environmentally friendly activities such as the recycling waste materials and the conservation of water. The outlined conservative initiatives may take the form or taken under the guise of corporate social responsibility towards all the stakeholders or simply a conformation to the organization’s adherence to environmental protection. Heineken NV ranks among one of the leading business corporations around the world dedicated to embracing sustainable production practices as an adaptation to the changes in the natural environment and the increased environmental awareness among the consumers CITATION KoT18 \l 1033 (Ko, 2018). The consumers’ increased environmental awareness calls for the incorporation of sustainable production practices as failure to comply with the same may have adverse effects on the performance of the organization in the market. The fact that the organization ranks sustainability as one of the six business priorities highlights its commitment to safeguarding the environment. The sustainability initiative referred to as Brewing a Better World Program the organization targets six main areas of the conservancy. The areas include the protection of water resources, reduction of carbon dioxide emissions, and promoting sustainable farming practices for farmers producing the barley and other raw materials for beer and other beverage production in the United States and other markets for the global brand around the world CITATION KoT18 \l 1033 (Ko, 2018).
Question 2
Elements of the marketing strategy for business organizations such as segmentation, targeting, differentiation, and positioning play a significant role in determining the performance of an entity in a given market. Establishing and securing a lasting position and share of the market plays depends on the effective application or execution of the elements within a given industrial market. Each of the segments is responsible for a given outcome in the market and reflects through the sustainable growth and development of the business in a given sector. The highly competitive market for the automobile industry, for instance, calls for the implementation of an effective marketing strategy with all the outlined elements. The automobile manufacturing giant, Tesla, makes a name for itself in the competitive industry by using advanced technology in car manufacturi...
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