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Managing Conflict Through Communication

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Managing Conflict Through Communication

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Interpersonal Conflict
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Interpersonal Conflict
Reflect on what you have read. What was significant? What disagreements from your past had the greatest impression on you? Describe the conflict and then compare what occurred to the definition of interpersonal conflict. According to the definition of conflict in the text, is your example an interpersonal conflict?
One thing that becomes apparent in the two chapters is that conflicts are inevitable. People will always clash. The main reason why people have to clash is because of their different personalities and approach to things in life. Every time people are working towards something, they will conflict because their personalities are different. Additionally, every person will want the approach to fit how they work, and this is when conflicts arise. The above explanation agrees with the notion that the conflicting parties are often interdependent. This means that people will often clash when they are working towards something together or are in a group. In these groups, even though the goal could be the same, people could be using different pathways and thus ignore looking at an issue from another person’s point of view. In the end, conflict ensues, and if either party is not willing to compromise, the ending becomes chaotic, and nothing is achieved.
The second thing that became evident from the readings is that people believe or think conflict from the point of violence or certain angry reactions. For example, people expect conflict to involve yelling matches, screaming contests, people pushing each other or even punching each other, swearing and cursing out each other, etc. However, the two ...
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