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Business Communication Post-Test

Essay Instructions:

For this writing task, assume you are a Business Development Manager at Brass Tax, a small but growing, family-owned CPA office. The owner and Managing Partner of Brass Tax, Susie Smyth, would like to expand to a new location and has asked you to lead the initiative. Your first task is to choose a location. Her primary focus is finding a location that is conveniently located for customers, provides sufficient amenities for your employees, and represents Brass Tax’s brand well. But it is also important to consider the rent and utility costs, as you are expected to be a good steward of company resources. Your current location is on Taylorville Road (indicated by the star on the locations map), which will remain open. You expect to staff the office with five employees. There will be three CPAs, one Office Manager, and one Receptionist/Clerk. You have narrowed the recommendation to three options: Bardstown Road, South First Street, and Leesgate. Based on the evidence you collected (see information below), please write a proposal for Ms. Smyth. HINT: You do not have to do any additional research. But you are encouraged to access the links for additional details, photos, and more for each listing.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Business Communication Post-Test Locations-Bardstown Road, South First Street ( S 1st St), and Leesgate Name Course Date Choosing the location to start operations is as important to expand the business operations and attract the target customers. The firm is located in a strategic place, where the target clientele can easily access and having looked at the costs of the building and surrounding areas as well as accessibility, I find it suitable to choose option (2). To ensure that my choice is appropriate, I also prioritized the vehicular and pedestrian traffic given the type of mobility and access for both private and public means influence whether clients choose the location. Furthermore, the location has good visibility compared to a more hidden place that is not easy to find and this makes it is inconvenient to take it. We have to look for a place where many people go, we also have to evaluate if it is easy to access. For instance, the businesses located on the Central Business District like option 1 and 2 are strategic for certain groups of the population because they meet the most diverse places. However, some people prefer not to go there (at least in some streets) because they run the risk of being trapped in traffic and there are not many options to park, especially on weekends. Even as option 1 (1745 Bardstown Road) is in the CBD there are only 6 parking spaces and since there are 5 employees, the clients would likely have to find a suitable parking lot. Location 1 is most expensive and lacks adequate par...
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