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Economic Political And Cultural Dimensions Of Heineken

Essay Instructions:

This exercise relates to the Heineken case which is the one of the assigned cases from the textbook. It should be written in essay style.(Case is #16 Heineken on the text book.)

For this exercise, imagine the following scenario. As a soon-to-be graduate of one of the most internationally diverse business schools in the country, you have been retained by Heineken to prepare a report that identifies and briefly discusses the major issues involved for Heineken in competing in the globalizing beer industry. This report should answer the following questions based on the information provided in this case.

1,Identify important issues related to the economic, political, and cultural dimensions of Heineken’s global beer business. Be sure to identify at least one issue related to each dimension. Although primarily related to one dimension, describe how each issue could be affected by one or more of the other dimensions.
2.Analyze how the identified issues related to economic, political, and cultural dimensions of its global business drive (or should drive) the specific choices Heineken’s leadership makes regarding its strategies and actions.
3.Propose certain recommendations for Heineken and explain how these will influence one or more of the economic, political, and cultural dimensions of its global business in favorable ways. Your recommendations in combination should potentially influence each of these dimensions.

***Cite relevant quantitative and qualitative information from the case to support the rationale for your recommendations and discuss actions involved in their implementation. (at least cite 1 source in the case)

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Case Study
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The Dutch brand is world renown in the beer industry due to the premium quality range and competitive prices. In past years Heineken has been exploring many new international markets as it has noted that beer consumption or its demand in its major markets such as America has declined (Dess et al. 2019). The company has been actively investing in introducing new products in its latest markets which have been recognized in the other markets; for instance, the launch of Bintang in the UK and European countries.
Heineken has made several acquisitions all over the world to dominate the beer industry and to keep its foothold in the international market. This poses certain economic and cultural issues for the company. For example, the company has not been able to attract many people in new markets who either have religio...
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