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10 years Plan for a Remarkable Life Marketing Assignment

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10 years Plan for a Remarkable Life

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My Life PlanNameInstitutional AffiliationDate
Over time, I have come to realize that life is one of the greatest gifts ever. I have realized that the best thing that one can do in their life is to find the best way of making the best out of their life. When I was a child, I used to think that life is all about getting rich and having so many possessions. However, through the encounters that I have gone through, I have learned that life is more than just money or possessions. As I write the plan for my life for the next 10 years, I recognize that one of my goals in life is to lead a good life.
I intend to be always hardworking in my career and life and be of great service to society. One of the ways through which I can be of great service to the society is by resolving the issues affecting members in society. It is not necessary that I discover or come up with a big business idea, I do intend to join community groups and work with them with the intention of bettering society. After excelling in my career, I also inte...
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