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Stakeholder Week 3

Essay Instructions:
Part 1: Project Selection, Stakeholder Identification, and Stakeholder Analysis For this assignment, select a project from the following list. Office relocation Enterprise resource planning (or other large-scale information system) Automated car wash with multiple self-serve vacuum stations Warehouse shopping center County courthouse building Other: Subject to approval by instructor. Note that the project must be sufficiently stakeholder-intensive to support creation of the assigned plans. Then for the chosen project, identify, analyze, and rank by importance the project stakeholders into a stakeholder identification and analysis plan. Use the following areas as a guide to your plan. Introduction, Stakeholder Identification and Analysis, Resource Management Plan and RACI (Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, and Informed) Chart, Communications Management Plan and Accompanying Table, Stakeholder Management Plan, Resource Acquisition Plan, Team Development Plan, Project Performance Reporting Plan, and Stakeholder Engagement Monitoring and Control Plan. Submit your stakeholder identification and analysis plan in the form of a document of at least one page. Adhere to APA Style when constructing this assignment, including in-text citations and references for all sources that are used. Please note that no abstract is needed. This formal paper example provided by the CSU Writing Center shows this type of formatting. Note: In Unit VIII of this course, you will include a summary of your stakeholder identification and analysis plan as part of a PowerPoint presentation. Part 2: Resource Management Plan and RACI Chart For the project selected in Unit I, create a simple resource management plan. Your plan should follow the guidance in the PMBOK® Guide for the plan resource management process. Include an introduction, and consider the following questions: Who will I need to plan and execute this project? From where (and how) will I acquire these people? What does the project need in terms of (a) materials, (b) equipment, (c) funding, and (d) tools and supplies? From where (and how) will I acquire these resources? What basic approach will be taken regarding teambuilding, team development, and team motivation? Refer also to Figure 2.1 on page 44 of the textbook for guidance in what to include in the plan. Finally, create a RACI (responsible, accountable, consulted, and informed) chart for your project following the example of Table 2.1 on page 53 of the textbook. As a guide to depth, your resource management plan should be at least two pages in length. Your RACI chart may be created either as a table in Word and included at the end of the document or submitted as a separate Excel file. Adhere to APA Style when constructing this assignment, including in-text citations and references for all sources that are used. Please note that no abstract is needed. This formal paper example provided by the CSU Writing Center shows this type of formatting. Part 3: Communication Plan For the project selected in Unit I, create a simple communication management plan. Your plan should follow the guidance in the PMBOK® Guide for the plan communication management process as well as Figures 3.1 and 3.3 in the textbook. Consider the following questions: What will I need to communicate (project progress, other)? To whom will I need to communicate (stakeholders, contacts)? When will I need to communicate (timing, frequency)? Where will I communicate (location of the sender, receivers)? How will I communicate (media)? Why am I communicating (analyze all reports both planned and ad hoc to ensure rationale for communication effort is sound)? How do my planned communications close any gaps between project objectives and stakeholder expectations? How would such gaps be evaluated and fed back into the project communications cycle? Finally, in addition to writing out your strategies and responses to the questions, summarize the who, what, when, where, how, and why into a quick reference table. For example, consider the building the library scenario in the earlier unit. The "who" would be the stakeholders such as members of the community, future patrons of the library to name just a couple. The "what" would include information regarding the progress of the construction, key milestones, and perhaps some announcements regarding the planned scope of the completed library (such as types of media available for checkout, services to be offered, etc.). Such a table is often used as a succinct at-a-glance form of the communications plan. As a guide to depth, your Communication Management Plan should be at least two pages in length. You may either create your table in Word and include it at the end of the document or submit it as a separate Excel file. Adhere to APA Style when constructing this assignment, including in-text citations and references for all sources that are used. Please note that no abstract is needed.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Stakeholder Week 3 Student Name Institutional Affiliation Date Stakeholder Week 3 Part 1: Project Selection, Stakeholder Identification, and Stakeholder Analysis The project chosen is a large-scale information system, specifically enterprise resource planning (ERP). The stakeholders include executives, project managers, regulatory bodies, end users and vendors. The stakeholders can be analyzed in terms of their influence, interest and potential impact. Concerning influence, the executives and regulatory bodies have a high influence, project managers and vendors have a medium influence, and the end users have a low influence. Interest is high among project managers and end users, medium among the executives and vendors and low in regulatory bodies. The potential impact is high among the executives, end users and regulatory bodies and medium among project managers and vendors. The resource management plan includes the hardware, software, human resources and the training materials needed for the development and implementation of the system. Hardware includes the servers needed to run the software. The hardware can be procured through an in-house procurement approach. The major software resource will be the ERP system. It would need the business to partner with vendors to procure it. For the human resources, IT personnel will be needed. The will be obtained through undertaking recruitment to identify talented individuals. Lastly, training material resources will be needed to ensure the system works as expected. Consultants will be needed to train the staff on the use of the ERP system. The communications management plan seeks to ensure the stakeholders are informed about the ERP system, addressing any issues they might have and ensuring that they collaborate to achieve the set goal. The table below shows a breakdown of the communication plan. Communication Approach Target Group Frequency Message Meetings for the project team The members of the project team Weekly Assign tasks and address challenges that may emerge during the implementation of the project Executive briefings Executive members Monthly Updates on the progress of the project and the budgetary requirements End users The final users of ERP Weekly The schedule for training and the system changes made over the week There is a need for a stakeholder management plan targeting the executives, vendors, IT personnel, and executives. The executives need to be provided with regular updates on the progress of the ERP system. This is critical allowing them to make the appropriate decision regarding the viability of the system. Through regular updates, the executives will be informed about any challenges encountered and any additional resources needed. The IT personnel and vendors will need to hold regular meetings to discuss the progress of the project. They will need to undertake collaborative forums to identify challenges and seek ways to fix them. Overall, all the stakeholders will need a helpline where they can seek clarifications anytime they need. This will be critical in keeping them informed about the progress of the project. For the resource acquisition plan, the resources needed have been identified as ERP software, servers, IT personnel and trainers. The ERP software will procured through undertaking partnerships with vendors. It will be important to have alternative vendors to ensure the project does not stop if a single vendor fails to deliver. The servers will be procured through in house approach. Maintaining relationships with multiple suppliers will ensure the availability of the required materials (Rebelo, Nobre & Szczygiel, 2019). The IT personnel will be obtained through rigorous recruitment. The training of existing personnel will be needed to enhance their skills. The external consultants will be hired to equip the internal personnel with special skills. The project performance reporting plan includes the utilization of the budget, adherence to the timeline and user satisfaction surveys. The information will be critical in establishing the progress the various teams have made. The reports will be reviewed during the bi-weekly meetings and any corrective measures taken in advance. The stakeholder engagement monitoring plan constitutes undertaking regular reviews of the stakeholders on the effectiveness of the structures put in place. The views of the stakeholders will be captured through feedback surveys. The participation of personnel during the training sessions will be monitored to establish the effectiveness of the training done. Part 2: Resource Management Plan and RACI Chart The success of the plan will depend largely on the effective management of resources (Sonmez Cakir & Adiguzel, 2020). Since resources are essential for the success of a project, it is important to have a plan on how to manage them. The plan outlines the key components needed for the execution of the plan. It addresses the human resources required, materials, funding and any other tools necessary for the success of the project. The resource management plan adheres to the guidelines stipulated in the PMBOK® Guide, which ensures the project utilizes resources effectively. Who will I need to plan and execute this project? The project is complex and requires the involvement of numerous individuals with different skills. In particular, a multidisciplinary team approach will be essentia...
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