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Social Performance Part 2

Essay Instructions:

Write a 4-6 page paper in which you: Briefly describe your company and then benchmark the codes of conduct used by similar companies in the industry. Critique the codes of conduct of at least three (3) similar companies in order to write codes for your company. Analyze ways ethical challenges affect your business and create a code of conduct for your company. Provide a rationale on how these specific codes enhance your company’s ethics program. After reviewing the Federal Sentencing Guidelines for Organizations, explain how these guidelines influence the ethics program you created. Anticipate where the challenges or setbacks may be in the adoption and enforcement of the codes of conduct for your company. Explain how you will address these challenges and anticipated setbacks. Given the influences of changing economic, political, social, cultural, and technological forces on business and society, explain how you can ensure that your codes of conduct will remain relevant in the years ahead. Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements: Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions. Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required page length.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Social performance 2
Social performance
Biashara Company is a well-known facilities management services provider to industrial, commercial, residential, governmental, institutional, and retail facilities majorly in the United States. The in depth company capabilities include energy solutions, expansive facility services, commercial cleaning, repair and maintenance, HVAC, landscaping, electrical, parking and security, that is provided via interspersed and stand-alone solutions. Majority of its products include manufacturing and marketing, expertise in product development, and are greatly subjected to product competition that are manufactured, marketed and sold by other similar technology companies.
The code of ethics within any organization is very important as it clearly outlines the philosophies under which the companies operate. Similarly, it explains any organizations beliefs, attitudes and culture. In business, the ability of any venture to be in existence for a long duration of time heavily relies on the code of ethics (Walsh, 2009). At the same time, it is imperative to frequently monitor the codes of ethics of various competitors. In this regard, I used the codes of other market competitors like Johnson Control Inc., GE Aviation Facilities and Elder Care Facilities as a yardstick to evaluate the most appropriate ethical standards (N.A.S.W, 2008). The code of ethics of Johnson Control Inc. puts emphasis on both social responsibility and advancement of customer interest. Social responsibility involves the aspect of upgrading the society through giving back. On the other hand, the concept of advancing customer interests revolves around having success as the main goal of Johnson Control Inc. and not making money. This is done by looking out at the desires of the people through keeping up with the supply and demand needs (N.A.S.W, 2008). G. E Aviation facilities focus on the ideologies of compliance with the law and corporate opportunity. They presume true the fact that being just is key towards ensuring the success of any business venture. In like manner, they believe that opportunities should be fully exploited and that corporate spirit should always take toll on the employees. At Elder Care Facilities, they are of the opinion that being fair, confidential and proper handling of conflict while undertaking all the deals with the customers, suppliers, employees and the community play a massive role in ensuring the stability and prosperity of the business (N.A.S.W, 2008).
There is no doubt that the code of ethics of the companies named in the paragraphs above have made them accomplish all the success that people celebrate today. At the same time, it is of importance if all the employees adhere to the code of ethics because it helps them have the unity of purpose. Nevertheless, I am convinced far and away that some aspects of the code of ethics should be made flexible. I am of the same opinion as Johnson Control Inc. that the customers interests ought to be given first priority however, it is quite imperative to take heed of the market demands just to ensure that the wrong horse is not backed. In like manner, I harbor different opinions regarding confidentiality and conflict of understanding (N.A.S.W, 2008). I place confidence in the fact that confidentiality can be done away with through the proper channeling of information and that putting into use the concept integrated conflict resolution helps in averting the ideological differences (N.A.S.W, 2008).
Habitually, it is unquestionable that the codes of ethics have a m...
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