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Ethical Business Behavior: ETH Module 4 Case

Essay Instructions:



In the Module 4 Case, you will perform a critical analysis of two organizations and their application of business ethics.

Note: You may complete the Module 4 Case and SLP in any order you prefer.

Required Reading:

Download the Anglo-American and Primark case studies using the following links:



Scan the following article by Svennson & Woods:

Svensson, G., & Wood, G. (2008). A model of business ethics. Journal Of Business Ethics77(3), 303-322. Accessed on November 19, 2012 from EBSCO.


In a well-written 5-7 page critical essay, respond to the following, using Anglo-American and Primark as examples:

Using the Svennson and Wood business ethics model, assess the ethics of the business practices of Anglo-American and Primark, discussing the costs and the benefits to organizations that act ethically.

Keys to the Assignment:

  • Describe what is meant by ethical business behavior;
  • Describe how these two companies – Anglo-American and Primark – apply ethics in practice;
  • Discuss the costs and benefits to an organization when that organization behaves ethically; and
  • Choose one component of Svennson & Woods’ model (found in the journal article “A Model of Business Ethics”), and discuss how your chosen component is relevant for Anglo-American and/or Primark. For example, you might choose “external stakeholder relationships” (page 314), and discuss how Anglo-American benefits from its positive stakeholder relationships (see page 4 of the Anglo-American case study).

Assignment Expectations:

Your paper will be evaluated on the following seven criteria:

  • Precision - Does the paper address the question(s) or task(s)? 
  • Breadth - Is the full breadth of the subject (i.e., the Keys to the Assignment) addressed?  
  • Depth - Does the paper address the topic in sufficient depth and include the background reading and other background resources as references? 
  • Critical thinking - Is the subject thought about critically (i.e., accurately, logically, relevantly, and precisely)?
  • Clarity - Is the writing clear and are the concepts articulated properly? Are paraphrasing and synthesis of concepts the primary means of responding to the questions or are points conveyed through excessive use of quotations? 
  • Organization - Is the paper well written?  Are the grammar, spelling, and vocabulary appropriate for graduate-level work?  Are headings included in all papers longer than two pages? 
  • Referencing (citations and references) - Does the paper include citations and quotation marks where appropriate?  Are the references from the background reading and assignment present and properly cited?  Are all the references listed in the bibliography present and referred to via citation? 

Tips and Suggestions:

1) Please perform a critical analysis of the Anglo-American and Primark companies - and their business ethics practices. Your paper will be graded on the rigor of your analysis.

2) Perform some additional research in the TUI Library, and use at least three or four additional sources to support your analysis. Be sure that you have properly cited all sources using APA style.

3) Remember to follow the Well-Written Paper guidelines.

4) Submit your completed Case by the due date for Module 4.   

1        Scan the following article by Svennson & Woods:Svensson,

2            Customer Question

Scan the following article by Svennson & Woods: Svensson, G., & Wood, G. (2008). A model of business ethics. Journal Of Business Ethics, 77(3), 303-322. Accessed on November 19, 2012 from EBSCO. Assignment: In a well-written 5-7 page critical essay, respond to the following, using Anglo-American and Primark as examples: Using the Svennson and Wood business ethics model, assess the ethics of the business practices of Anglo-American and Primark, discussing the costs and the benefits to organizations that act ethically. Keys to the Assignment: Describe what is meant by ethical business behavior; Describe how these two companies – Anglo-American and Primark – apply ethics in practice; Discuss the costs and benefits to an organization when that organization behaves ethically; and Choose one component of Svennson & Woods’ model (found in the journal article “A Model of Business Ethics”), and discuss how your chosen component is relevant for Anglo-American and/or Primark. For example, you might choose “external stakeholder relationships” (page 314), and discuss how Anglo-American benefits from its positive stakeholder relationships (see page 4 of the Anglo-American case study).

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Ethical Business Behavior
Ethical Business Behavior
Anglo-American and Primark are among the leading companies in the world. An exposition of the meaning of ethics and ethical business behavior is given at the start of this study. This study aims at analyzing the application of ethics in the business practices of both Anglo-American and Primark. The paper will also tackle the costs and benefits to the organization or business when it behaves ethically in terms of its relation to the various stakeholders that impact on the existence of these businesses. The last part of the study will focus on a discussion of one component of the Svennson & Woods' model and its relevance to the two multinational companies Anglo-American and Primark. An analysis of the positive contribution of this component to the companies forms the last part of this study. Anglo-American and Primark adhere to ethical principles through their promotion of ethical behavior and an expression of good social responsibility in the environment in which it operates.
Anglo-American and Primark are among a high percentage of companies in the world that practice ethical behavior to meet the society's ethical demands (Boylan, 2001). Ethics deals with the judgment by an individual or the society on a moral right or wrong. Business ethics guides how the business behaves in the same way as it determines the behavior of an individual. Ethical business behavior is the behavior of businesses that reflect the ideas of the society that the business behavior is right. The main issues that are seen to reflect ethical business behavior include fairness, honesty, equality, and respect for the dignity of all the people. Ethical business behaviors by a business include treatment of its workers and clients in an honest and fair manner aiding in the maintenance of a good business relationship.
Anglo-American is a leading UK mining company operating across the globe with most of its mining bases being developing countries. “Good citizenship” forms the set of principles of core values and standards adhered to by the Anglo-American and it further follows the industrial sector's code of practice. Anglo-American observes ethical behavior in terms of ensuring observance with local laws in the developing countries it sets base in as mining locations. It aids in the support of good governance initiatives and ensuring opportunities are available in the mines associated with the communities. The company takes some initiatives in helping these communities including provision of local services such as schools and clinics and provision of AIDS testing opportunities. The company also has socio-economic toolbox for gauging the impact on issues and resolving them and engaging the community on initiatives and development of small business and creation of partnership opportunities with the local farmers. Anglo-American has also been instrumental in supporting the Black Empowerment Groups to ensure economic opportunity sharing in the mining sector. Treating workers well and promoting the health needs, security provision, and human right protection assurances of the workers are the other ethical measures by Anglo-American.
The main benefits to the company from this social responsibility is the trust the company gains as a business partner owing to going out of its way to include social and environmental issues in its mandates (Boylan, 2001). Ethical behavior increases investor confidence in the standing of the company. It also aids Anglo-American in self differentiation from competitors leading to access to more government projects, increased profits and investments. Ethical behavior also increases brand recognition and improves the ability to have brand loyalty by the clients and the creation of a better working environment (Boylan, 2001).
There are costs associated with ethical business behavior by Anglo-American including financial costs in terms of engaging stakeholders, ensuring mining is done in an ethical manner is more expensive than when it is done unethically, time is also spent in the process.
Primark is a clothing retailer company from Ireland and forms a part of Associated British Foods working with global ma...
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