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Disabled Veterans Affirmative Action Program: BUS 303 module 4 case

Essay Instructions:


A Spin on the issue

After listening to my background lectures and reading what I wrote, you were probably thinking that I am going to ask you a question on affirmative action and race or gender.  I won't disappoint you.  But affirmative action goes beyond that.  AA for the disabled is a very interesting issue.  Make them veterans and you really have something worth thinking about.

Take a moment and Click Here    to check out  the Disabled Veterans Affirmative Action Program (DVAAP)

"Most departments and agencies in the Federal government are required to have an affirmative action program for the recruitment, employment, and advancement of disabled veterans. The law requires agencies to develop annual Disabled Veterans Affirmative Action Program (DVAAP) Plans." (site excerpt)

Go to the Proquest and read:

Affirmative action requirements
Charles J Muhl. Monthly Labor Review. Washington: Jan 1999. Vol. 122, Iss. 1; p. 48 (2 pages)

Please answer the following question:

Should disabled veterans get preferential treatment over better qualified candidates who are not disabled veterans?


Case Expectations:

  • Make sure to contrast DVAAP to programs that involve affirmative action for women or minorities?
  • Be sure to refer to the logic of the Affirmative Action arguments laid out in the background information. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT; show me that you understand the logic of those arguments that are relevant to your answer.
  • Be sure to set out the utilitarian and deontological  considerations.

Please write a three to five page paper, not including title page or references page, answering this question, and upload it to coursenet by the end of this module.

General Expectations

Your paper should be double-spaced with 12-point font.

Your paper should have a separate cover page and a separate reference page.

Use APA-style.

1            Disabled Veterans Affirmative Action Program (DVAAP)


  • Reports

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Most departments and agencies in the Federal Government are required to have an affirmative action program for the recruitment, employment, and advancement of disabled veterans. The law requires agencies to develop annual Disabled Veterans Affirmative Action Program (DVAAP) Plans.

Each year, agencies must submit DVAAP accomplishment reports to OPM. The accomplishment reports must describe agency efforts to promote the maximum employment and job advancement opportunities for disabled veterans as well as certain veterans of the Vietnam era and of the post-Vietnam era who are qualified for such employment and advancement. As part of their submission package, each agency must include a signed statement certifying that the agency has an up-to-date DVAAP plan.

OPM provides guidance and assistance to Federal agencies in developing DVAAP plans. Agency and OPM responsibilities are covered in title 5 of the Code of Federal Regulations, part 720, subpart C, and also 38 United States Code, section 4214. OPM reviews each submission to determine whether it is consistent with the applicable law and regulations. OPM submits an Annual Report to Congress on the employment of veterans in the Federal Government.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Disabled Veterans Affirmative Action Program
Course Title:
Disabled Veterans Affirmative Action Program
Successful workforce should have a diverse o people from different areas and this gives the importance of considering the disabled for employment opportunities. The government and the public service in veteran have discovered this, and they have come up with an affirmative action that considers employment for the disabled veterans (National Science Foundation, 2012). This has increased the representation of disabled in the workforce of most of the organization and government agencies. The government requires that all government organization provide a well written report detailing the approach and the plans for disabled equal job opportunities. Through the affirmative action for the disabled veterans, there are increased chances of disabled veterans working in most agencies (National Science Foundation, 2012). This paper looks at the contents of disabled veterans' affirmative action, and its compares it with affirmative action for the minorities in the society. The paper further proceeds to support the proposition that, disabled veterans should be given first priority in job opportunities.
Contents Disabled Veteran Affirmative Action Program (DVAAP)
DVAAP is a program established by the government to provide preferential treatment to the discriminated disabled individuals in the society in job opportunities. From deontological ethics, it is essential to give equal opportunities to the disabled to make them feel part of the wider society (Hackerott, 2003). National science foundation is mandated with the responsibility of accessing the employment procedures in different organization. Its main aim is to check the inclusion of the disabled veterans as stipulated in the DVAAP. Auditing is carried out the end of every fiscal year, where it prepares a report to show the accomplishment made in the affirmative action. The affirmative action requires that agencies and departments in the federal government provide their implementation plans for employment and recruitment of the disabled veterans. The law requires that, all the agencies submit report on the progress in implementing the disabled veteran's affirmative action program. The report details the agencies efforts in promoting maximum job opportunities, and advancement for veterans who are disabled (Muhl, 2001). The report also details the procedures taken to include veterans associated with present and post-Vietnam era. Agencies are expected to provide an undersigned statement that gives an updated certified DVAAP. Determination of the consistency of the DVAAP report from the agencies is determined through comparison with the aid down regulations of the federal government
Comparison of DVAAP to Affirmative Action for Women
Dvaap and affirmative action for women have some similariti...
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