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Capital Marx

Essay Instructions:

Answer the following question. Make sure your answer to the question is set out in term of the concepts developed in this course. You should include in your answer at least two or three quotations from Marx that you explain in detail. The essay should be double spaced and 5 pages. Question: In his major work Captial Marx set out his analysis of the power of the commodity in general (the fetishism of commodities) and ultimately the power of circulating commodities in the form of capital: merchant, industrial--there is no need to discuss financial capital. Spell out both parts of Marx\' analysis of modern capitalism--the power of the commodity and the power of capital as well as how Marx gets from the commodity to capital. Finally, briefly spell out Marx\'s analysis of the origins of capital. What do you thinkof his (Karl Marx) analysis? Special instruction: Since it's for English as second language student, please not to be too professional. This is for Sociology Theory class. thx

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Capital Max Analysis on the Power of Commodity
Capital Max Analysis on the Power of the Commodity
Marx (2010) defined capitalist production as an organization system of production and distribution of products and services within their capitalist market. The existence of capitalist started in the 15 century, which was used to define mode of production within most organizations. According to Karl (2009), the process of capitalist production involves various factors such as the dominance private ownership and labor, which is based on wages as experienced in Europe especially Western part of Europe since 18th century. Based on the importance of the capitalist production as realized within the Western Europe, this system was later adopted globally. Karl (2009) also found that there are certain characteristics that the capitalist mode of production operates upon. These include private ownership based on the means of production used, suppliers value defined by private ownership class, labor based on wages and the distribution of the manufactured goods and services to end-users within the target market.
Based on the information provided by Marx (2010) towards understanding of the meaning of mode of production, the analysis insisted that means of production means different approaches used in production within different organizations. These different approaches and methods of productions that define mode of production also depend on the technologies applied organizations and tools that are used in production as found by Marx (2010). Through the application of the capitalist mode of production, organizations must understand that various inputs and outputs need to be privately owned. Moreover, all the productions of the organization, products and services, are acquired in the market; therefore, the purchases should be done in the market. Apart from the inputs and outputs of the organization being privately owned, capital mode of production also demands that production of the products and services of the organization should be done for circulation and exchange within the target market. Moreover, the main aim of the production, exchange and circulation of the products and services made should be for profit gain and an organization must ensure that it generates profit from its production as revealed by Karl (2009).
It is also important to understand that the application of the capitalist mode of production requires that the ownership and the control of production should be for the dominant class who are required to get their profits through surplus of the organization. Additionally, Marx (2010) echoed that capitalist features mostly depend on the labor wages, which should form the largest part of population. According to Marx (2010), "the existence of capitalist is not limited to differences within the political system where they are practiced." Therefore, capitalist is not affected with differences in either social democracy, communist, fascism or liberal democracy and even existing differences in social structures like tribalism as found by Karl (2009). According to Karl (2009), the practice of capitalist although has existed for many years within the form of activities relating to merchandize system, it was seen as a minor activity by the dominant organizations as they only involved in such practices in order to keep trade among them.
Through the document in explaining and comparing ways and approaches that organization are practicing capitalist currently as compared to the past, Marx (2010) shows that the current system of capitalist has greatly changed. For instance, many people understand that economic development can only be realized through the presence of money. However, Karl (2009) explained that for economic development of a region to be realized, production and distribution of products and services should be main activities. Thus, without the production of goods and services, the presence of money alone cannot trigger effective economic development. In explaining capitalist and mode...
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