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Safety and Security in Health Care, Malpractice Liability, and High Risk Areas

Essay Instructions:
Question Details: Answer each problem in a short paragraph of 60 words. Submit the assignment in a single Microsoft Word document. Each Question should be supported by reference and in- text citations appropriately. Please Plagiarized paper will not be accepted because we use turn it in for all assignment. 1. How does OSHA protect health care employees? 2. What should be included in a waste management plan? 3. What does the employee health department do to protect employees? 4. Describe the functions of a facility safety committee. 5. What is your regulatory agency and what type of license do you have? 6. Why is a national tracking agency for licensed physicians necessary? 7. Does physician peer review override legal action against a physician? 8. What are some alternatives to malpractice litigation? 9. What are the requirements to prove negligence? 10. How do negligence and malpractice differ? 11. What are the sources of the Standards of Practice? 12. Explain respondent superior and vicarious liability. 13. How can high risk be avoided? 14. What are some of the positive elements that make a department low risk? 15. What are some of the high risk departments in a hospital? 16. Explain emergency triage. 17. What are some causes of high litigation rates in surgery? Please writer should write each question separately and put the answer below each question. For example Explain emergency triage.( put the answer under the question)
Essay Sample Content Preview:

Safety and Security in Health Care
Course Title:
Safety and Security in Health Care
1. How does OSHA protect health care employees?
OSHA protects the employees from exposure to dangerous working conditions. The act enforces the importance of providing a safe and healthy working conditions for the employees which should be provided by the employer (Bal, 2009). It is also involved in training of both the employees and their employers on the importance of safe working conditions. Through the enactment of this act, the number of workers harmed in work places reduces significantly.
2. What should be included in a waste management plan?
The waste management plan should comprehensively cover a wide range of wastes. It should show clearly the methods that will be used in the collection of identified wastes as well as the way they should be stored temporarily. Finally the method of their disposal should be put in place to make the process a success (Price & Meyer, 2012). Proper waste management reduces chances of increased pollution to the environment which in turn protects the health of human beings.
3. What does the employee health department do to protect employees?
The department is entitled to ensuring that all the employees are safe by providing the necessary attires to carry out their duties (Price & Meyer, 2012). For those employees who work in the laboratories or in theatre rooms, they are provided with gloves and gas masks to prevent exposure to toxic gases and infectious fluids. In instances that there are workers operating heavy machines or instruments, the department provides safety boots that protects their feet from any falling object. These measures improve their safety while carrying out their duties.
4. Describe the functions of a facility safety committee.
The committee gives a detailed consultation services during building to enhance safety and inspects the working conditions of various instruments (Bal, 2009). It also addresses the various complaints that come from the workers. More so they are involved in regulating the noise levels in the various departments. Finally, the committee inspects the conformity of constructions before they are officially opened.
5. What is your regulatory agency and what type of license do you have?
The agency that is commonly involved with regulation in the heath sector is; Food and Drug Administration (FDA) (Price & Meyer, 2012). Its main purpose is to regulate the exportation and marketing of medical devices in USA. The license is given by the government using certain credited bodies, after approving the health care practitioner qualification in carrying out the exercise and safe working environment.
6. Why is a national tracking agency for licensed physicians necessary?
It helps ensure that the services that are offered to consumers by the medical practitioners are of the allowed standards. They also, make sure that those practising in the field have the relevant qualifications (Price & Meyer, 2012). This helps protect the health of workers and their safety as thy seek treatment. The employees are also assured a good working condition through the thorough checks.
7. Does physician peer review override legal action against a physician?
There have been several allegations against peer review ion how it treats cases of misconduct of physicians in various instances. The peer review in fact acts within the law where it gives attention to hearing and offers a chance for appeal from unsatisfied party (Price & Meyer, 2012). The review makes a decision based on whether the individual in question acted outside the limits of an average practitioner.
8. What are some alternatives to malpractice litigation?
There are some legal systems that are put in place to carry out negotiations between affected party and the physician. They opt to have the difference settled down by resolving them without necessarily proceeding to the jury for further trial (Bal, 2009). This alternative is aimed at protecting the practitioners from litigation in instances where the injury caused could have been due to unavoidable circums...
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