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2 pages/≈550 words
Business & Marketing
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Request for Funding Memo

Essay Instructions:

ASSIGNMENT #1 - Request for Funding Memo

Requests for funding for either a new venture or initiative are a common business occurrence and demand careful organization to present a persuasive, thoughtful request. For this Assignment, prepare a 350–500 word persuasive memo to your supervisor requesting that your company sponsor you individually in a business writing course that is available at the local university.

If you are not currently working, you may create a fictitious company, supervisor, and position for yourself. In your memo, provide your supervisor with the following:



  • Justify taking this course; include an outline of the benefits the company will receive from your participation in such an effort.
  • Include the amount of money you are seeking,
  • Specify how long the course will take you to complete, and how your time spent completing the course will impact your performance at work.
  • Use Chapter 9 in our text for guidance in memo writing; 


  • 10% - Includes no fewer than 350 and no more than 500 words, inclusive of memo fields
  • 10% - Requests funding for sponsorship for you to complete a business writing course
  • 10% - Includes logical organization and flow moving from one point to the next
  • 20% - Contains no grammatical or typographical errors*
  • 10% - Follows correct memo format - to, from, date, subject, single spaced, double space between paragraphs
    • 20% - Identifies benefits to your company for you to complete a business writing course
    • 20% - Includes cost, location of course, length of course, and how you will balance class and work obligations 


Essay Sample Content Preview:

Request for Funding Memo


To: Recipient’s Name, Recipient’s Title
From: Name
Date: Monday, October 26, 2015.
Subject: Request for Funding Memo
I would like to request funding for Business Writing Essentials 1, being offered at Kaplan University. As an employee of Briarcliffe College who cares about the institution’s performance and development I have decided to expand my writing and communication skills which will be beneficial not only to me but to the institution as a whole.
In my position as a librarian, I am constantly communicating academic issues on a daily basis with students, publishers, faculty deans & staff members, as well as vendors using memos, emails and reports. I am also responsible for composing, editing and publishing user guides that has instructions relating to the access and use of various library resources. In addition, I prepare annual reports that indicate how the learning resource center is doing to comply with federal and SACS regulations. By focusing on the varied types of documents I am exposed to on a daily basis, this course will be very helpful to me in terms of improving my writing and editing skills necessary in writing concise, correct, and clear business documents.
This course is also key in developing my business writing skills needed in meeting the organization writing and communication needs. After undertaking this course, my productivity will certainly increase and I will no longer have to spend extra valuable time researching things on the internet to clarify details. Effectiveness will also be maxim...
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