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Self-Awareness and Leadership Development

Essay Instructions:

This is 10 questions with their topics that is related to the leadership subject? Each question should be about page and half answer, (style is essay). Introduction paragraph and conclusion usesub-headings if necessary. The book name as a source to answer is leadership understanding its global impact authors are Carol Dalglish and Peter Miller. These are exam questions so no need in or end text reference unless it’s necessary. Also you can use another resources if want just to mention this one I mentioned earlier is the main one

1. Self-awareness and leadership development

-          What is the role of self-awareness in developing as a leader?

2. Personality in leadership

-          What is the role of personality in leadership? Is there one sort of personality that makes a good leader?

3. Theories of leadership – trait and situational (including LPC)

-          What is the basis of situational leadership? Discuss two of the important theories of situational leadership.


-          Do leaders have common traits? Discuss the role of traits in leadership theory.

4. Charismatic and transformational leadership

-          What is charismatic leadership? Illustrate your answer with one or more examples of a leader.


-          What is transformational leadership? Illustrate your answer with one or more examples of a leader.

5. Organisational culture

-          What is organisational culture? How does organisational culture affect leadership?


-          What is the leader’s role in creating an effective team in a multicultural organisation?

6. Power & influence

-          What are the types of power a leader can use, and what are the most effective influence tactics to employ?


-          What is empowerment in leadership? Why is empowerment important in leading work teams?

7. Leadership and communication

-          What is the role of communication in leadership? What are the core communication skills for leaders?

8. Leadership and teams

-          What are the advantages and disadvantages of teamwork from a leadership perspective?

9. Leading change

-          How can an understanding of change assist a leader? Illustrate your answer with two change models.

10. Followership

-          How can an understanding of followership assist a leader?


Essay Sample Content Preview:

Self-awareness and leadership development
Self-awareness is one of the crucial elements of leadership development, as leaders have to understand their personality as well as the way that others perceive them. This way they are able to manage their juniors from a personality standpoint and make decisions relative to how other react to the same along the best practices. Additionally, leaders are able to leverage their strengths because of self awareness. Such leaders are more likely to gain credibility and are open to change since they rely on emotional intelligence as they develop their leadership abilities. In any case, by utilizing self awareness leaders become more effective because they know their values and beliefs.
Personality in leadership
By extension personality plays a major role in developing an effective leader, which means that some personalities are trailblazers while others are not effective. Elements of personality such as honesty, openness, conscientiousness and decisiveness form a good basis for a good leader, while lack thereof is characteristic of a poor leader. Leaders need to identify the strengths associated with their personality traits for them be better effective leaders. This is also associated with the need to build upon the strengths while utilizing people skills. The leaders thinking style influences their behavior and there is a likelihood that people may get different meanings form the same experience because of their learning styles and personalities leaders then to understand how the team members are likely to evaluate information.
Theories of leadership – trait and situational (including LPC)
The basis for situational leadership is that there is not one single style of leadership that can be said to be the best and thus managers have to combine a number of styles to match the needs and objectives of their organization. One of the main theories in situation leadership is the Hersey-Blanchard theory which indicates that leadership styles are related to the situation at hand. The transformational leadership theory on the other hand indicates that people will be motivated by the tasks that they have to perform. In light of the trait theory, traits play a major role in leadership and further implies that there are certain characters that form natural leaders. As such there are certain traits that form contribute to ease of leader development. Leadership theories then allow the leaders to explain their relations with the followers, and they also understand how the different leadership styles are applicable in some situations. The situational leadership approaches also highlight the need to assess the relevance of the leadership style depending on the readiness of team members.
Charismatic and transformational leadership
Charismatic leaders are mostly reliant on their charm and ability to be persuasive. For example there are leaders that may be seen to be influential in wartimes and quite poor during peacetimes. Transformational leaders on the other hand are those that cause change through inspiring the members. If a leader joined a company that was failing and encouraged the staff to build the company through investing in it, thereby encouraging staff to own a stake in the venture and raising the company h...
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