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1 pages/≈275 words
Business & Marketing
English (U.S.)
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Reflection as a Marketing Manager. Business & Marketing Essay

Essay Instructions:

View the video and the task learning guides (TLGs) below, which demonstrate how to find company information in the CSU Online Library and how to find competitor or industry information.

Company and Industry Research video (transcript for Company and Industry Research video)

How to Find Company Information in the Business Source Ultimate Database TLG

How to Search for Articles With a Company Focus TLG

Reflect on ways that you might use this as a marketing manager within a company and then how you might use this as a student completing your graduate course of study.

Your journal entry must be at least 200 words in length. No references or citations are necessary.https://youtu(dot)be/HNYiCJ2fNzc

Essay Sample Content Preview:

CSU Online Library
Author’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Today the most valuable currency is the “data”. Corporate database marketing involves gathering, analyzing, and processing the data of both current and potential clients. The more an organization harnesses its data, the possibility to carry out the real-time analysis will increase, allowing the company to build new powerful applications. Being the Marketing Manager, I would say that online databases can be helpful in many ways as they recognize the patterns, draws new conclusions, and predicts the organizational and market future. As a Marketing Manager, I would like to use CSU Online Library containing four different libraries naming; Mergent Online, IBIS World, Business Source Ultimate, and ABI/Uniform Collection. These online databases are considered as a dynamic resource as it provides industry information to the researcher; its definition, summary of services...
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