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Lowe’s Company

Essay Instructions:
This section includes information on how the firm makes money, who are the firm’s buyers and suppliers, and what are one or two major industry changes that have affected (or in your estimation will affect) the company, its buyers, or its suppliers in recent years (or the near future).

My company is Lowe’s
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Lowe’s Company
Lowe’s Company is an American retail company that specializes in home improvement. The company is headquartered in Mooresville, North Carolina, and has a retail store across the United States and other countries, including Canada and India. It is one of the largest home improvement retailers. It has been one of the country’s biggest success stories over the past few years, with its profits rising steadily year upon year. The company’s associates help the customers to improve their home improvement experience and also trains individuals to give them the expert advice needed to undertake projects. Lowe’s also provides the customers with everything they need to do their jobs; these include materials to perform maintenance, repairs, remodeling, and decorating. Others are lumber and building materials as well as seasonal and outdoor living materials.
The company makes money through sales of its products across the retail stores in the United States and other countries (Cleverism, 2020). Lowe’s also makes money through service fees related to specific installation services. It makes money through both the physical outlets in its various branches in various countries, as well as through the digital platform sales channels. In this manner, the company derives its income in two ways; one is through the direct, simple sales of its products to the clientele. The second is through the installation charges that these clients might need after they purchase these products from the company. These are sales and service fees respectively. Its ability to not only sell but also provide services has given it quite some competitive advantage over its rivals in the industry. This has ensured that the company continues being at the top echelon of the retail industry over the past several years.
The firm’s buyers and suppliers seem to be mor...
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