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Saskia Sassen and Cement Building

Essay Instructions:

Watch the recording of the talk (hopefully it will be available soon after the event). Identify three interesting "learnings" you walked away with from this talk. How did this talk add to your thinking about global cities specifically and globalization in general?

(Please post about three good paragraphs. "Learnings" may be a bulleted list.)


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Essay Sample Content Preview:

Saskia Sassen
Student’s Name
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Assignment Due Date
Saskia Sassen
One of the learnings I walked away with from the talk is on how cement building is destroying our environment and ecosystem. For the last two decades, experts have been talking about climate change and how pollution has been the biggest contributor. Most people now know that driving vehicles that produce high carbon emissions lead to them contributing to a change in the climate. Also, people are now aware that the introduction of new factories and plants in their areas only serves to contribute to poor climate due to their intense carbon emissions. Therefore, it was a key take away for me when I learned that cement building is what’s destroying our environment. And this is true since the factories and plants are built using cement. Also, as we expand our roads, build more houses, we tend to clear more of the world’s green space and water bodie...
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