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3 pages/≈825 words
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Program: Human Resources. Course: Managing performance through training and development

Essay Instructions:

No outside sources - short answer questions:

Question 1 graded out of 10 marks.

1. What is the significance of the climate of learning. Name and describe the four elements that constitute the climate of learning.

Question 2 graded out of 10 marks

2. dentify the four levels of Kirkpatrick’s hierarchical model of evaluation and briefly explain the concerns with it.

Question 3 graded out of 20 marks

3. According to Harvard Business review, researchers surveyed more than 7000 mid-career employees between the ages of 35 and 55. Scholars report that many middle managers are burnt out, dissatisfied, or believe they are in dead-end jobs, and most are no longer energized by their work. Feeling neglected many are searching for new jobs. As a result, many organizations face a stark choice: risk losing some of their best people or continue to work with a host of unhappy managers.

Your consulting advice is requested by the company president. In order to improve the situation, what should top management do for the middle managers, the bosses of middle managers, and subordinates of middle managers?

answer questions in a "your opinion type way" no sources

can you do 2 pages? does need to be in any type of mla or app - doesn't even need to be exact amount of numbers or pages. Just your opinion type of answers or whatever you think

or even 1.5 pages. anything you can do

pictures from textbook is nelson education series in human resources management - managing performance through training and development - 7th edition - saks haccoun

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Significance of climate of learning and the elements of climate learning.
The climate of learning is simply defined or described as the emotional atmosphere that helps to determine the learning process, experience, and progress that is being made by learners. It is crucial because it helps to determine the best environment that students can learn in. As a teacher or trainer, it is indeed crucial to ensure that the learning environment adds or makes it possible for the students to grasp what is being discussed. The environment should make the students feel relaxed, safe, and comfortable while learning.
To achieve or attain a comfortable learning environment, one needs to consider the following elements:
* Pre-arrival factors – these include issues like contacting the trainees before the training exercise, greetings and offering information or pre-course readings, and finally, reinforcing conditions of practice before training.
* Greeting of participants – this includes welcoming messages to the trainees and creating a comfortable environment.
* Learning facility or environment – this simply calls for the trainer to ensure that the learning facility is appropriate and ready for learning.
* Trainers’ style and behavior – the trainer’s behavior is also crucial in the learning process. The trainer should be approachable, empathetic, and employ an engaging style.
Four levels of Kirkpatrick’s hierarchical model of evaluation. Concerns with it.
The four levels of Kirkpatrick’s hierarchical model of evaluation include:
* Trainees’ report positive reactions to training program
* Trainees learn the training material
* Trainees apply on the job what they learn in the training
* Training has a...
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