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Marketing Segmentation: Understanding the Target Market

Essay Instructions:

Answer questions based on PDF, video and website content

You don't need to look for anything else to explain the problem

videolink https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=qH9W6ONEztE

website https://claritas360(dot)claritas(dot)com/mybestsegments/#zipLookup

You need to input the zib code into the website to find information to answer questions

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Marketing Segmentation
Institutional Affiliation
Marketing Segmentation
The selected Zip code is 15203. The segments identified in the area include
Connected Bohemians
Aspiring A-Listers
Young Digerati
Urban Elders
The Cosmopolitans (Claritas, 2018)
My selected area is within Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Based on the PRIZM segmentation, the population within the selected area is divided into five groups. In an urban setting, I expect that the population comprises of different social classes. Resultantly, it is possible that the population is divided into groups such as those that live in the suburbs and those in downtown areas. Additionally, the population is likely to comprise a large percentage of young population, especially graduates, singles, couples, and young families. The young population is associated with an active social and nightlife. Thus, it is expected that among the segmentations, vibrant social lifestyle should appear as a dominant characteristic. Despite having a significant percentage of young people, the area consists of older families and professionals, who are settled. Concisely, the findings match my expectation of the area. However, one of the unexpected characteristics that stand out is the popularity of a fancy social life that cuts across almost all the segments.
As a marketer, identifying the needs of the target market is a crucia...
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