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Complete RSB: Posting News Releases at the RSB Website

Essay Instructions:

Complete (Athena) part of the article https://docs(dot)google(dot)com/document/d/1gNMX3bRRSgqnxXDnF0FTdgS6xGBDLs2ew1mRvHzK8JQ/edit?usp=sharing


You MUST identify at least two objectives


Provide a data-rich overview of your target market(s) as it connects to/will be accessed with your selected objectives, citing sources for your information


Summarize key distinctions for RSB, and then develop a value proposition for RSB (undergraduate or graduate) following this format:

Combine the existing content and complete the thesis according to 5 examples and requirements.

It is best to use the form.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

RSB Marketing Plan
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
RSB Marketing Plan
Goals and Objectives
Goal 1
To raise positive awareness and expand the recognition of Rowland School of Business across Pennsylvania and neighboring states like Ohio and New York.
Posting news releases at the RSB website
Promoting RSB and the school’s success stories using media platforms such as radio, newspapers, and television stations.
Utilizing RSB’s marquees to continuously inform the community about RSB programs, courses, and events.
Goal 2
Raise public awareness about the educational opportunities at RSB to individuals, the community, and High Schools.
Identify potential school events and activities that RSB could sponsor as a means of keeping the school in the spotlight.
Offer marketing materials to instructors recruiting in high schools as well as High School Initiative coordinators across Pennsylvania in an effort to improve visibility and recognition.
Regularly update the RSB website with notice of events and news articles to help the public be more aware of the institution and its relevance.
Goal 3
Use RSB’s website as a major marketing tool.
Keep the institution’s website updated regularly.
Design the website to be more attractive and target potential students as well as the community.
Target Market
Being a business school, RSB aims at attracting individuals who are willing and able to pursue business courses. These individuals include students who have completed their high school and are ready to join college or individuals who are working but are looking to further their education by pursuing a business course. Because of the high number of students graduating from high schools across Pennsylvania, RSB would focus on localized campaigns and custom campaigns as well. The localized campaigns will utilize creative strategies and the media to make the institution known to students. Individuals who graduate from high school and are willing to join college often fall between the ages of 16 and 24 (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2018). On average, students graduate from high school at the age of 18 years. Individuals at this age are active in social media as close to 95% stay online constantly (Anderson & Jiang, 2018). This shows that RSB could highly utilize their website and social media pages to reach their target market. On a professional trend, out of the 177, 850 business employees in Pennsylvania, 34, 730 are employed in Pittsburg (Career Index, 2018). Majority of the business employees are also sourced from colleges and universities in Pittsburg. Because of this, the RSB has greater chances of attracting business students to join the institution. In 2017, Pennsylvania enrolled approximately 107,000 students in institutions of higher learning across the state. Out of the total, 89,582 students were enrolled from high schools within the state (PASSHE, 2018). This shows that a majority of the target market for RSB are residences of Pennsylvania. More so, the majority of students who completed degrees in Pittsburg were more interested in masters and bachelors, with each having 1,414, and 1,328 students respectively by 2010 (Career Index, 2018). This shows that a majority of individuals in the target market mostly pursue a degree or a masters. Currently, Pittsburg ...
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