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SWOT Analysis 2 Business & Marketing Essay Research Paper

Essay Instructions:

Complete a SWOT analysis of your business idea. Identify a minimum of 5 Strengths, 5 weaknesses, 5 opportunities, and 5 threats. Address how you can capitalize on each strength and opportunity. Address how you will overcome each weakness and threat.

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Applying SWOT Analysis in a Business Idea
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At Sunrise Beverages, our aim is to maintain the brand position in the food and beverage industry years after years. While doing the business and selling our products, we will have to improve the quality to an extent and keep the prices to a minimum since the competition is very high. Starbucks and McDonald’s are two core competitors of Sunrise Beverages, and it may not be possible for us to continue working in the industry for long if we do not know what the rivals do to sell their products and to engage the target customers.
Strengths of Sunrise Beverages
1 The brand image is strong
2 The quality of products is up to the mark
3 Diversification is made possible with a number of subsidiaries
4 An extensively large number of satisfied or happy customers
5 Affordable prices of most of the snack foods and beverages
Sunrise Beverages would have to opt for stronger and better strategies in order to diversify its network. Having a few hundred or thousand happy customers is not enough; the company would have to make arrangements to sell its snack foods and beverages in all main markets of the world. At the same time, the prices should remain reasonable years after years.
Weaknesses of Sunrise Beverages
1 High prices of certain food items and drinks
2 A limited number of ingredients are used in preparing most of the snack foods
3 Limited market shares in areas where McDonald’s and Starbucks have their food stores
4 Local competitors have been copying recipes of several food items
5 Generalized standards for almost all products
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