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SWOT Analysis of Sunrise Beverages

Essay Instructions:

This week we explored the SWOT analysis and how to use it in conjunction with Porter’s 5 Forces.

Identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of your business ideas. You may use discoveries from your Porter’s 5 Forces analysis to assist you. What worries you most? What excites you most?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

SWOT Analysis
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Sunrise Beverages intends to maintain its position as a prominent and excellent food and beverage company in the world with the help of innovative strategies and plans that can utilize business strengths and overcome all of the weaknesses in a short time. The purpose of this SWOT analysis is to identify or access the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of Sunrise Beverages (Haile, 2016).
The Strengths of Sunrise Beverages
Some of the most prominent strengths of our company are as follows:
* Strong brand image
* Great quality of products
* Reasonable prices
* Moderate diversification through some subsidiaries
* Global supply chain system
* A growing population of happy customers
* Acquisition of new food and beverage companies, especially the local startups
The Weaknesses of Sunrise Beverages
The main weaknesses of our company are mentioned below:
* High prices of certain products
* Generalized standards for most items
* A limited number of snack foods
* Limited market shares in areas where cost-friendly snack food items and beverages are available in bulk
* Many of its products are imitable, meaning local competitors are likely to develop snack foods and beverages that are similar in...
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