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Planning and Implementing New Market Strategies

Essay Instructions:

Depth of learning outcome:

The benefits of horizon scanning, competitor analysis and general trend analysis in setting direction relating to new market strategies.

Key components of developing and subsequently monitoring a new market strategy and the methods utilised for evaluation:

• Target market.

• Customer profile.

• Demographics.

• Market analysis.

Data analysis to track trends. Models for analysis, such as:



• Value Chain Analysis.

• Porters Five Forces.

• Four Corners Analysis.

• Business Motivation Model

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New Market Strategies
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New Market Strategies
Market strategies are fundamental to any business's success as they determine its direction and overall profitability (Samiee & Chirapanda, 2019). Developing and setting a guide for new market strategies is a complex process that requires a thorough understanding of the business, its target market, and the competitive environment (Morgan et al., 2018). This essay will critically analyze the elements that assist with planning and implementing new market strategies.
Horizon scanning is crucial to developing a successful new market strategy (Samiee & Chirapanda, 2019). This involves researching, gathering, and analyzing data from external sources to identify potential opportunities and threats on the horizon (N.b & S.s, 2021). It helps inform the company's direction and provides a more comprehensive understanding of the external environment. Horizon scanning is essential in the early stages of developing a strategy. It can help inform the company's direction and provide the necessary data for more detailed analysis, such as competitor analysis (Ferrell et al., 2021).
Competitor analysis is another critical component of new market strategies and involves researching the competition to assess their strengths and weaknesses and overall market position. It can be used to identify potential new opportunities or threats and inform the direction of the company's strategy (Rivaldo et al., 2022). Competitor analysis can also tell the target market and customer profile (Al-Surmi et al., 2019). General trend analysis is also a key component of developing new market strategies and can help inform the company's direction and the strategy's necessary elements (Kozlenkova et al., 2021). Trend analysis helps to identify potential opportunities or threats and can provide information on market segmentation, demographics, customer profile, and target market (Varadarajan, 2020).
Strategic planning is an essential tool for any business that wants to remain competitive in the current market (Rivaldo et al., 2022). By assessing the current market environment, a company can develop a clear strategy for entering new markets and expanding its customer base. A strategic plan should include a clear definition of the company’s mission and vision, as well as an understanding of the company’s current strengths and weaknesses (Samiee & Chirapanda, 2019). This information can then be used to identify potential markets, analyze the competition, and develop a plan to gain a competitive advantage. The plan should also include a detailed financial analysis of the potential market entry, including estimated costs, expected sales, and potential return on investment. This analysis should be used to identify any risks associated with entering the new market and develop a plan to manage those risks.
Strategic planning framework is a tool used by marketers to develop and implement a marketing strategy. The framework is a collection of tools and processes that allow marketers to make informed decisions about the future of their business (Brege & Kindström, 2019). It helps them to identify their target market and develop strategies to reach them. The framework also assists in setting objectives, evaluating performance, and determining the best course of action. The strategic planning framework consists of several components. The first is the situation analysis, which includes researching the current market, identifying opportunities, and assessing the company's strengths and weaknesses. The second is the strategy formulation, which involves formulating objectives, developing an action plan, and determining a budget. The third is the implementation stage, which includes setting up systems and processes to ensure that the strategy is carried out successfully. The fourth and final step is the evaluation and monitoring stage, which involves evaluating the effectiveness of the strategy and making any necessary changes (Rivaldo et al., 2022).
It is essential to identify the target market in order to create a successful marketing strategy. The target market is the specific group of people or businesses the company wants to reach with its marketing efforts (Utami et al., 2020). This involves researching the market, understanding the customer's needs, and determining the best way to reach them. Customer profile awareness is a critical aspect of a successful market strategy (Brege & Kindström, 2019). A customer profile is a detailed description of the characteristics of a company's current and potential customers. It includes information on the customer's demographics, lifestyle, buying habits, and other factors that help the company understand the customer better. This information can be used to create more effective marketing strategies and campaigns (Kaleka & Morgan, 2019).
Being aware of the demographics is also essential for an effective market strategy. Demographics are the characteristics of a population, such as age, gender, income level, occupation, and education level. They can segment a population into groups, making it easier ...
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