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Governance Plan for Mayo Hospital

Essay Instructions:


Research a real-world hospital in the United States for the organization's compliance or governance plan. It is suggested that a national or a large healthcare delivery system be considered, as some smaller or regional hospitals may not meet the assignment content requirements listed below. Also, depending on the organization, the content may be prominent on their website, use different terminology for compliance or governance, or be within the organizational strategic plans. Dig deep within the organization's website or use appropriate external sources.

Examine how the plan(s) minimizes organizational liability and risk while supporting compliant business and clinical operations. The lens of this analysis should be that of a healthcare administrator in the C-suite.

The following topics are required and should be presented, in this order, within the body of an APA paper – see additional formatting requirements. Students are welcome to add other topics supporting a comprehensive organizational review for compliance and governance.

Explain the hospital's senior leadership organizational structure by position vs. name. Depending on the hospital's selection, this may include the board of directors, the C-suite, or an executive team.

In addition, create an organizational chart that includes the executive management team's positions (not individual leadership names).

Describe the hospital's licensing and certification status. Include any specific federal or state regulations that are acknowledged on the organization's website to guide these programs.

Also, identify who, by position, has direct responsibility for the compliance or governance program(s). From your learned knowledge, is this sufficient for the organization? Please explain.

Present the hospital's accreditation status, including which organization(s) they are accredited by, and explain its accreditation standing. Students may need to go to the accrediting agency's website to review if not included on the hospital's website.

Collectively, evaluate the organizational compliance or governance program(s) and demonstrate how they reduce the hospital's liability and promote sound business operations. If you feel the program(s) does not do one or both, provide a solid counter-argument with specifics on how the organization could improve.

Grading Criteria

Student writing should be at the academic level, unbiased language in the third person, and proper healthcare and legal vernacular.

Assigned papers will require APA formatting (most current edition), including the title and reference pages. If you are unsure how to format using APA style, please see the Writing Center or Learning APA Style.

Excluding the APA title and reference pages, the papers should be between 1,000 - 1500 words in the body. The word count requires the substance to be concise, robust, logical, and demonstrate complete knowledge of the weekly content. Although not in proper APA formatting, please include the word count for the paper's body at the very bottom of the title page. For assistance with determining the word count, please see the following Microsoft Word resource.

The body of the paper should include first level APA headings for all content or topics when required. Having the required content as first-level headings will support students in meeting the content requirements and the paper's focus on the required subjects. Students are welcome to add subheadings at the second or third levels, but the first level is required. The APA Citation Guide can assist with formatting, including headings.

All sources used within the paper's body (directly and paraphrased) must be cited in the body of the paper and on the required reference page per APA requirements and should not exceed 20%. Content from other sources that exceed 20% could indicate a lack of originality or possibly plagiarism and will be addressed following the Academic Integrity Policy noted below.

Third-party plagiarism software, such as Turnitin, may be used to assess the originality of a student's work in any assignment, papers, and quizzes, or exams to rule out plagiarism. 

The quality of the content will be assessed using the attached rubric. All criteria in the category must be met to earn the full points. See attached rubric.

Submitting your Assignment

Students will submit written assignments to Blackboard for grading in a .doc or .docx file type. There are 2 attempts with the last one submitted to be graded.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Governance Plan For Mayo Hospital
Student’s Name
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Course Details
Instructor’s Name
Date Of Submission
Compliance and governance plans are essential for any healthcare organization as they minimize liability and risks while supporting compliant business and clinical operations. In this paper, we will examine the compliance and governance plan of a real-world hospital in the United States, with the lens of a healthcare administrator in the C-suite. The paper will cover various topics, including the senior leadership organizational structure, licensing and certification status, accreditation status, and the evaluation of the organizational compliance or governance program(s). The hospital selected for this paper is Mayo Clinic, one of the largest healthcare delivery systems in the United States.
Senior Leadership Organizational Structure
Mayo Clinic has a unique organizational structure that differs from traditional healthcare organizations. The hospital's senior leadership structure includes the Board of Trustees, Board of Governors, and Mayo Clinic Executive Leadership Team. The Board of Trustees is the governing body that oversees Mayo Clinic's mission, policies, and financial performance. The Board of Trustees has up to 31 members, including physicians, business leaders, and other professionals.
The Board of Governors, on the other hand, oversees the clinical practice of Mayo Clinic. The Board of Governors comprises physicians who are also members of the Mayo Clinic staff. The Board of Governors' role is to ensure that Mayo Clinic physicians provide the best care to patients while upholding Mayo Clinic's values and standards (The Joint Commission, 2021).
Licensing and Certification Status
Mayo Clinic acknowledges that its licensing and certification programs are guided by federal and state regulations. The hospital has a Compliance Office that oversees the compliance and governance programs (The Joint Commission, 2021). The Compliance Office reports to the General Counsel, who is responsible for ensuring that Mayo Clinic complies with all federal and state regulations.
Responsibility for Compliance or Governance Program(s)
The responsibility for the compliance or governance program(s) at Mayo Clinic lies with the Compliance Office. The Compliance Office oversees Mayo Clinic's compliance with all federal and state regulations, as well as the hospital's internal policies and procedures. The Compliance Office reports to the General Counsel, who is responsible for ensuring that Mayo Clinic complies with all regulations (The Joint Commission, 2021). The Compliance Office at Mayo Clinic is sufficient for the organization as it has a comprehensive compliance and governance program that includes policies, procedures, and training programs. The Compliance Office also regularly reviews and updates the compliance and governance program(s) to ensure that Mayo Clinic remains compliant with all regulations (The Joint Commission, 2021).
The Joint Commission's accreditation is a prestigious and widely recognized certification that signifies that an organization is committed to providing safe and high-quality care. The Mayo Clinic has maintained continuous accreditation from The Joint Commission since 1953. The hospital's accreditation status is prominently displayed on its website, indicating its commitment to meeting and exceeding the highest standards of care.
The Joint Co...
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