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Pelican and Printed Edition of the History of Henry V Showcasing the King's Greatness

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Essay-Henry V
Part1: Pelican edition of Henry V
For the Elizabethan audience Henry V is both a theatrical showpiece and interpretation of history of the King’s experiences before and battles with the French in Act 2, Scene 4, and the King of France states “Think we King Harry strong; And, princes, look you strongly arm to meet him. The kindred of him hath been fleshed upon us”. The French king told his men he was aware of Henry’s strength and a descendant of gallant warriors so they needed to be well armed and prepared. For the audience, Henry’s victories reflected heroism and nationalism.
Shakespeare likely believed that the audiences had the means to pay for the performances and may have known power from people in the English society. The English were socially stratified with the monarchy and nobility holding high position in 15th century England. As such, they would have expected that the monarchy would be represented in a positive light, and Shakespeare managed this as reflected by the character of Henry V. Shakespeare fictionalized Henry V’s history and the plays were performed in London playhouses, and the monarchy still played an important role in the lives of the British people.
It is the monarchs who were responsible for protecting England and the kings were directly involved in various battles over time as leaders and even fighters. The audience would then expect that a leader who was capable of winning during wars and battles would likely make a good leader. In the prologue, the scene is England and France, which provides a background on the life of King Henry the Fifth. There is also scholarly research and commentary in the Pelican series to provide context on the history of Henry V, and analyzed the relevance of fictionalized elements.
Part 2: Printed edition of Henry V other than the assigned Pelican edition
Henry V (Modern, Quarto) internet Shakespeare version targets the students and begins with the fists scene by introducing the King Henry, Exeter, two Bishops, Clarence, as well as other attendants. While there are different versions than begin with the chorus and epilogue, the version introduces Henry chronicling and his story in the battle of Agincourt in France. As the king and the bishops are introduced in the first scene, play introduces both the monarchy and religion that are linked to various themes.
The book was published for the students and general readers to have a better understand about the play’s themes and main characters without ignoring the historical context. Even though some text dialogues do not contain modern Eng...
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