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Oil Exploration and Workplace Ethics in the Arctic

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Assignment on Oil Industry Bussiness Ethics Assignment on oil Industry Please writes it in Strayer writing standards

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Work Place Ethics
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Work Place Ethics
The debate on oil exploration in the arctic is one that has elicited strong opinions. This is because there is a lot at stake. Countries in the arctic council, through their oil companies, are seeking to guarantee their countries’ energy sustainability (Miller, 2020). However, this comes at the expense of arctic wildlife, human population, and global climate. If oil exploration continues in the arctic, then we lose the fight against climate change.
Oil exploration in the arctic violates multiple moral rights. First is the right of the animals in the arctic to have a habitat. By opening up the animal refuge in the arctic, the U.S. will destroy the most vital animal habitat in the region (Miller, 2020). Second, oil exploration in the arctic violates the region’s population’s right to a clean and healthy environment. This bec...
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