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How are the Trade Wars Affecting Transportation? Business & Marketing

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Trade War: Container Don’t Lie, Navigating the Bluster by Lori Ann LaRocco

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How are the Trade Wars Affecting Transportation?
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How are the Trade Wars Affecting Transportation?
The trade war between the United States (U.S.) and the Peoples Republic of China has been one of the major highlights during President Trump’s reign at the Oval Office. In essence, it was among the activities he advocated for in his America First Agenda campaign slogan during the campaigns. Many Americans were concerned about the unfavorable trade with the Asian nation leading to a significant deficit. The trade war begun on January 22 2018 when Trump decided to impose tariffs on both washing machines and solar panels. Trade is earmarked as the backbone for a thriving economy, meaning that the trade war has adverse implications for both countries even though the magnitude of the impact will differ. The trade war impacts supply chains in ways unseen before taking into account the antagonists are the two largest global economies. The variances from the affected exports and imports imply that the transportation sector is bound to be affected significantly. The results of the trade war on the transportation sector are analyzed from Lori Ann LaRocco’s recently published book, Trade War: Containers Don’t Lie, Navigating the Bluster.
The most apparent impact on the transport sector can be determined from the number of containers holding commodities of this nature in the list. LaRocco notes that the number of containers with solar panels arriving in the U.S. before the trade was approximately 4,233 between September 1 and December 31, 2017. This scene changed entirely after the imposition of the tariffs. The author notes that for the specific period ranging between January 1 and April 30, 2018, the number had dropped to 1,734 containers. The same periods witnessed a significant change when it came to the case for washing machines. Initially, they were 3,477 containers, which is a figure that spiraled down to 1,887. Such experiences were bitter for organizations that are keen on handling large international shipments. Besides, these are the two largest economies in the world, implying that it would take an extended before this magnitude of trade to filter into other global nations. Also, the chances are that this may not happen considering that the individual income in these two countries is quite high compared to other countries.
On the other hand, the trade war has advanced domestic production, which has been perceived as the most suitable alternative to the shaky supply of international commodities. LaRocco offers a specific mention of t...
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