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Marketing Essay: Celebration of Colors 5K: Case Study

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Essay Sample Content Preview:
Celebration of Colors 5K: Case Study
Q1) Make a list of the major deliverables for the 5K-run color project and use them to develop a draft of the work breakdown structure for the project that contains, when appropriate, at least three levels of detail.
The list of major deliverables for the 5k-run color project are the following:
1 Food from a local restaurant for organizers, volunteers, and the hosts
2 Purchasing essential items such as ‘color’ and balloons
3 Hiring a DJ
4 Setting up the platform and the hardware for the DJ
5 Designating and preparing an area for the hosts
6 Finding and appointing employees and/or volunteers to monitor the online enrollment forms and physical registration boots
7 Promoting and advertising through fliers and social media
8 Finding sponsors to fund the project.
Work Breakdown Structure
In this project, the main task of management group is to promote gender equality through...
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